Find perimeters and areas of parallelograms, trapeziums, rhombuses and kites

1. Paving the way: Measurement multiplication
2. Tricky Triangles - complete expressions for area of rectangle and triangle
3. Tricky Triangles - complete expressions for area of rectangle and triangle
4. Stepping Out The Bounds! - area of rectangles with the same perimeter
5. Stepping Out The Bounds! - area of rectangles with the same perimeters
6. The Perimeter Holds! - area of rectangles with the same perimeter
7. The Perimeter Holds! - calculate missing side length, area and perimeter of rectangle given
8. The Area Stands - dimensions of rectangles with same area
9. The Area Stands - dimensions of rectangles with same area
10. The Area Stands - dimensions of rectangles with the same area
11. The Area Stands - dimensions of rectangles with the same area
12. Para-gliding - Covering the Same Area - match rectangle with parallelogram of same area
13. Para-shapes - select 2 rectangles/parallelograms with the same area
14. Covering the Same Area - select 3 rectangles/parallelograms with the same area
15. Covering the Same Area - select 2 rectangles/parallelograms with the same area
16. Covering the Same Area - select 2 rectangles/parallelograms with the same area
17. Trapeze Artist - area of a trapezium
18. Trapeze Artist - area of a trapezium
19. Trapeze Artist - area of a trapezium
20. Parallel Universe - find height of parallelogram given side and area
21. Parallel Universe - area of a parallelogram
22. Triangularea - find perpendicular height given 1 side and area of triangle
23. On Edge 2 - perimeter of parallelogram given 2 sides; cm
24. Compounding The Issue 2 - perimeter of compound shape, rectangles
25. Room To Move - perimeter problem using areas; m
26. Cartesian Capers - move objects to given coordinates, calculate area of shape made