Apply phonic knowledge and skills as the route to decode words

1. On the Field - Select the ball with the matching word: it
2. Similar Words - Click the word that is different: of, if
3. Similar Words - Select the word that is different: to, at
4. The Time Machine - Select matching words: it
5. Similar Words - Select the word that is different: no, on
6. Similar Words - Select the word that is different: so, no
7. Similar Words - Select the word that is different: it, if
8. Sum It Up - Complete letter sums to make words
9. Under the Big Top - Put a ball in each tent with an 'op' word
10. Sum It Up - Complete letter sums to make words
11. It's Raining Taps! - Select the 'ap' words
12. Treasure Island - Select the 'en' words
13. Under the Big Top - Put a ball in each tent with an 'ug'word
14. Treasure Island - Select the 'ig' words
15. Cheese Please! - Drag all the 'at' words onto the cheese
16. More Tea? - Drag the teabag saying 'more' to the cup
17. Gumball Madness! - Drag all the words saying 'be' to the gumball machine
18. I See You! - Select all the words saying 'see'
19. On The News- Select the 'all' words
20. Come One, Come All! - Put a ball in each tent that says 'come'
21. Floating Away - Select the balloons that say 'for'
22. What's the Time? - Select and count all the words that say 'time'.
23. Treasure Island - Select all the words that say 'look'
24. How many say 'in'? - Recognise and count sight words
25. Sum It Up - Complete 'letter sums' to make words
26. Click the bricks that say 'of' - Recognise sight words
27. How many say 'he'? - Recognise and count sight words
28. Ace! - Drag the tennis ball to the matching word
29. On The Move - Select all the 'in' words
30. Three in the Bed- Select the last letter in the word. Select the other words with the same last letter.
31. Select the snakes that say 'him'
32. Cheese Please! - Drag all the 'some' words onto the cheese
33. Let the wet pet out of the net - Unscramble list words
34. We saw his paw, jaw and claw - Unscramble list words
35. Clap, flap, tap and rap! - Unscramble list words
36. Let the wet pet out of the net - Unscramble list words
37. We saw his paw, jaw and claw - Unscramble list words
38. The dog played with the frog - Unscramble list words
39. Clap, flap, tap and rap! - Unscramble list words
40. The hog sat next to the log - Unscramble list words
41. Pick Me! - Select the words that say 'pick'
42. Which Word? Complete a list word
43. Which Word? Complete a list word
44. Which Word? Complete a list word
45. Cheese Please! - Drag all the 'od' words onto the cheese
46. Now You See It - Select all the 'sl' words
47. Now You See It - Select all the 'tw' words
48. Sort It! - Put the 'ig' words in the pig and the 'en' words in the hen
49. Sort It! - Put the 'in' words in the bin and the 'ot' words in the pot
50. Juggling Letters - Unjumble a list word
51. Juggling Letters - Unjumble a list word
52. Juggling Letters - Unjumble a list word
53. Juggling Letters - Unjumble a list word
54. Juggling Letters - Unjumble a list word
55. Juggling Letters - Unjumble a list word
56. Juggling Letters - Unjumble a list word
57. Juggling Letters - Unjumble a list word
58. Juggling Letters - Unjumble a list word
59. Juggling Letters - Unjumble a list word
60. Now You See It - Select all the 'en' words
61. Now You See It - Select all the 'us' words
62. Which Way? - Put the letters in order to make a word: bones
63. Which Way? - Put the letters in order to make a word: house
64. Which Way? - Put the letters in order to make a word: uncle
65. Which Way? - Put the letters in order to make a word: giant
66. Which Way? - Put the letters in order to make a word: pearl
67. Juggling Letters - Unjumble a list word
68. Which Way? - Put the letters in order to make a word: would
69. Which Way? - Put the letters in order to make a word: about
70. Which Way? - Put the letters in order to make a word: chain
71. Which Way? - Put the letters in order to make a word: watch
72. Which Way? - Put the letters in order to make a word: other
73. Juggling Letters - Unjumble a list word
74. Juggling Letters - Unjumble a list word
75. Juggling Letters - Unjumble a list word
76. Juggling Letters - Unjumble a list word
77. Dirty Dog - Select the 'og' words
78. On The News - Select the words ending with 'uy'
79. Now You See It - Select all the 'nt' words
80. Now You See It - Select all the 'ump' words
81. Juggling Letters - Unjumble a list word
82. Juggling Letters - Unjumble a list word
83. Juggling Letters - Unjumble a list word
84. Juggling Letters - Unjumble a list word
85. Juggling Letters - Unjumble a list word
86. Secret Code - Write words from language clues (Rhyming, letter substitution)
87. Which Word? Complete two words from the list
88. Which Word? Complete two words from the list
89. Which Word? Complete two words from the list
90. Which Word? Complete two words from the list
91. Cheese Please! - Drag all the 'am' words onto the cheese
92. Now You See It - Select all the 'ock' words
93. Sort It! - 'ag' words and 'ug' words
94. Sort It! - 'ab' words and 'all' words
95. Copy Cats - Copy the correctly-spelled word
96. Copy Cats - Copy the correctly-spelled word
97. Copy Cats - Copy the correctly-spelled word
98. Copy Cats - Copy the correctly-spelled word
99. It's Raining Words! - Select all the letter groups that can say 'word'
100. Collect the Eggs - Same beginning sound as 'feet'
101. Collect the Eggs - Same beginning sound as 'hay'
102. Collect the Eggs - Same beginning sound as 'barn'
103. Same First Sound - Match pictures with the same first sound
104. Fiona's Fairy Bread - Words with same beginning sound blend as 'plate'
105. Fiona's Fairy Bread - Words with same beginning sound as 'wings'
106. Collect the Eggs - Same beginning sound as 'carton'
107. Collect The Eggs - Same beginning sound as 'wings'
108. Lasso! - Same beginning sound as 'chew'
109. La-La-Ladybirds - Same beginning sound as 'lady'
110. La-La-Ladybirds - Same beginning sound as 'bird'
111. La-La-Ladybirds - Same beginning sound as 'legs'
112. La-La-Ladybirds - Same beginning sound as 'lady'
113. La-La-Ladybirds - Same beginning sound as 'spots'
114. Find The Vowel 1
115. Find The Vowel 2
116. What is the first sound? - identify words with same first sound
117. Build A Word - Use letter/sounds to build a word
118. Who Am I? - Write last sound (2 words)
119. Click the word with a different first sound
120. The End - Identify words with the same end sound
121. What is that? - Match word card to sound
122. Listen! 1 - Identify initial sound/letter
123. Listen! 2 - Identify initial sound/letter
124. Listen! - Match word sound and word card
125. First Things First - Identify initial sound/letter
126. In the Middle - Identify middle sound/letter
127. Now Hear This! - Match word sound/word card
128. Listen! 3 - Match word sound and word card
129. Word Find - Find matching word
130. Word Find - Find matching word
131. Out Of The Hat - Identify middle sound/letter
132. Sounds and Letters - Identify initial letter
133. Listen! - Type word to match word sound
134. Listen! - Identify final sound/letter
135. Listen! - Match word sound and word card
136. Build It - Drag sounds to build a word; Identify word.
137. Sound Beginnings - Identify words with same beginning sound
138. Identify middle sound
139. Same Sounds - Identify Same First Sound
140. Choose carefully - Match word sound/word card
141. First Things First - Identify initial sound/letter
142. Choose carefully - Match word sound/word card
143. Choose carefully - Match word sound/word card
144. Choose carefully - Match word sound/word card
145. Same Sounds - Identify matching word sounds
146. Who Am I? - Write the word you hear
147. What did the dog say? - Word Match
148. Who Am I? - Write the word you hear
149. Speak up! - Choose word with medial sound 'n'
150. Write And Choose! - Identify the word not starting with given sound
151. Let's Learn - Match word to word sound
152. In the middle - Identify middle sound/letter
153. Word Find - Find the word to match the word sound
154. Word Find - Find the word to match the word sound
155. Last To Play - Identify common end sound
156. For A Start - Identify words beginning with given sound
157. Listen... - Match word sounds/words
158. Listen... - Match word sounds/words
159. Word Find - Find matching word
160. Odd One Out - Make a word pattern to match the picture pattern
161. Odd One Out - Identify word with different first sound
162. Word Search - Match word/word sound
163. Same Sounds - Match sound and shape
164. Two Up! - Match word card/spoken word
165. Word Find - Find a spoken word in the grid.
166. Now Hear This... - Complete a word
167. Listen Carefully! - Identify final sound in a word
168. Listen Carefully! - Match word/word card
169. Word Find - Match word sound/word
170. Same Sounds - Identify words with same first sound
171. Same Sounds - Identify same end sounds
172. Begins with...- Choose word with different beginning sound
173. Choose Carefully- Match sound/word
174. Choose Carefully - Match word sound/word
175. Choose Carefully - Match word sound/word
176. Puzzling - Listen to a word & write the 3 sounds
177. Choose Carefully - Match word sound/word
178. Choose Carefully - Match word sound/word
179. Spring Cleaning! - Discard words not beginning with given sound
180. Show Me - Sound transformations 2_1 (a)
181. Spring Cleaning - Sort words by initial phoneme
182. Happy and Healthy - Identify words beginning with /h/
183. Word Search - Identify matching word in the grid
184. Follow the Footprints - Put sounds in order.
185. Choose Carefully - Match word sound/word
186. Listen Carefully! - Identify sounds and build word
187. Word Find - Match word sound/word
188. Sounds And Letters - Match beginning letter sound to each word
189. What's That Word? - Listen and spell word
190. Word Match - Match word sound/ word card
191. Odd One Out - Identify sound not in initial position
192. What Comes Next? - Spell word
193. Sounds and Letters - Identify initial letters (multiple words) (1)
194. Listen! - Match Word Sound To Word Card
195. An Unopened Flower Is A...? - Spell word
196. Baby Show - Listen, write the word, select the picture
197. Sound Endings - Identify words with same end sound
198. Sound Match - Match Letter To Sound
199. Match the sounds - Identify sounds in a word
200. Rub-A-Dub - Match word/word sound
201. Same Sounds - Identify and write common middle sound
202. Sounds Like - Identify middle sound of word
203. Listen! - Identify Middle Sound
204. Listen! - Write beginning letter
205. Choose carefully - Click the word beginning with /r/. Write the word.
206. Time For A...- Write word
207. Listen! - Match word/first sound
208. Choose carefully - Choose word that begins with a different sound
209. Listen! - Choose initial letter
210. Word Search - Identify matching word in the grid
211. Spring Cleaning - Sort words by initial phoneme (1)
212. Hang Up The Clothes - Choose first sound
213. This Duck Can't Spell - Match Word Sound To Word Form
214. What is the word? - Blend phonemes to make a word
215. In The Middle - Choose word with different middle sound
216. What's That Word? - match word sound/word
217. What is the word? - Blend phonemes to make a word
218. Now Hear This - Select matching word card
219. Word Find - Match word/word sound
220. Now Hear This - Select matching word card
221. Word Find - Match word sound/word
222. A Baby Dog is a ...? - Spell Word
223. Now Hear This - Select matching word card
224. Duckling's Favourite Colour - Drag letters to make a word
225. What is the word? - Blend phonemes to make a word
226. Duckling's Best Friend - Drag letters to make a word
227. Spring Cleaning - Sort words by initial phoneme (2)
228. Who Could I Be? - My name begins with....
229. Word Find - Match word/word sound
230. Hear The Sound - Match first sound/letter to word
231. First Up! - Match word to first sound
232. Spring Cleaning - Sort words by initial phoneme
233. Listen! - Match Word Sound To Word Form
234. First Middle or Last? - Identify position of sound in word
235. Help the duck find the word! - Match word/word sound
236. Odd One Out - Recognise different initial sound
237. An Animal Doctor Is A...? - Drag letters to spell word
238. Word Find - Match word and word sound
239. Sound Match! - Match initial phoneme to word
240. First Sounds - Identify initial phoneme
241. Pick the sound... - Identify initial phoneme
242. Build A Word - Drag letters to build the word heard
243. Odd One Out - Identify word with different first sound
244. Same Sounds - Match word/beginning sound
245. Same Sounds - Match words/word cards
246. Now Hear This... - Complete a word
247. What is that? - Match word card to sound
248. Sounds Like - Identify middle sound of word
249. Sounds Like - Identify middle sound of word
250. Sounds Like - Identify middle sound of word
251. Show Me - Sound transformations 2_2 (a)
252. Show Me - Sound transformations 2_3 (a)
253. Show Me - Sound transformations 1_1 (a)
254. Show Me - Sound transformations 1_2 (a)
255. Show Me - Sound transformations 1_3 (a)
256. Build It Up! - Build CVCC word
257. Build It Up! - Build CVCC word
258. Build It Up! - Build CVCC word
259. Missing letter - Drag letter to complete CCVC word
260. Spell It Out - Write CCVC word
261. Spell It Out - Write CCVC word
262. Spell It Out - Write CCVC word
263. Word Building (4)
264. Spell It Out - Write CCVC word
265. Listen To Me! - Select the correct sound for a CCVC word
266. Building Words - Choose letters & drag in order to make CCVCC word
267. Listen To Me! - Select the correct sound for a CCVC word
268. Listen To Me! - Select the correct sound for a CCVC word
269. Listen To Me! - Select the correct sound for a CCVC word
270. Word Building (2)
271. Build a Word - Drag letters to build a CCVC word
272. What Am I? - Select correct word card for spoken CCVC word
273. Word Building (3)
274. What Am I? - Match spoken word and word card
275. Word Recognition (3)
276. Sound Stories - Write CVCC word from phonemes
277. Sound Stories - Write CVCC word from phonemes
278. Sound Stories - Write CVCC word from phonemes
279. Sound Stories - Write CVCC word from phonemes
280. What is that letter? - Click second sound in CCVC word
281. What Are Those Letters? - Identify first 2 sounds in CCVC word
282. Count the Sounds- Count the sounds in a word
283. How many sounds? - Sort words three/four sounds
284. Missing letter - Drag second letter to complete CCVC word
285. Make The Count! - Identify sep. phonemes in CVCC word
286. Missing letter - Drag second letter to complete CCVC word
287. Beat It! - Arrange letters to build CVCC word
288. Count It! - Arrange letters to build CVCC word
289. Make It! - Arrange letters to build CVCC word
290. Sound Wise! - Arrange letters to build CVCC word
291. I Can Hear - Write the sounds in CVCC words
292. I Can Hear - Write the sounds in CVCC words
293. I Can Hear - Write the sounds in CVCC words
294. I Can Hear - Write the sounds in CVCC words
295. Count Sounds + Identify (1)
296. Sound Check! - Drag letters to make a CCVCC word
297. Sentence Sense! - Choose correct sentence (CVCC words)
298. Sentence Sense! - Choose correct sentence (CVCC words)
299. Word Building - Build words with initial consonant digraph
300. Word Building - Build words with initial consonant digraph
301. Sound It Out - Write sounds in consonant digraph word
302. Sound It Out - Write sounds in consonant digraph word
303. Word Recognition (4)
304. Sound Stories (4)
305. Sound Stories (1)
306. Sound Stories (2)
307. Build A Word - Consonant digraph initial position
308. Build A Word: Drag letters to make a CCVC word
309. Sound Stories (3)
310. Missing letter - Drag second letter to complete CCVC word
311. Missing letter - Drag second letter to complete CCVC word
312. Word Find - Locate correct CCVC word
313. Word Find - Locate correct CCVC word
314. Build A Word: Drag letters to make a CCVC word
315. Complete the Word - Write the missing sounds in CCVCC word
316. Build A Word: Drag letters to make a CCVC word
317. Build A Word: Drag letters to make a CCVC word
318. Word Building - Build words with initial/final consonant digraph
319. Complete the Word - Write the missing sounds in CCVCC word
320. Write each different sound - consonant digraph final posn
321. Complete the Word! - Drag a missing letter to complete CVCC word
322. Sound It Out! - Write CCVC word from dictated phonemes
323. Sound It Out! - Write CCVC word from dictated phonemes
324. Sound It Out! - Write CCVC word from dictated phonemes
325. Build a Word - Drag letters to build a word (consonant digraph initial pos)
326. Sound It Out! - Write CCVC word from dictated phonemes
327. How many sounds? - Sort words into 3/4/5 sounds
328. Count It! - Count sounds in words
329. Count It! - Count sounds in words
330. Count It! - Count sounds in words
331. Count It! - Count sounds in words
332. Let's Begin! - Write the first two sounds in a CCVC word
333. How many sounds? - Sort words into 3/4/5 sounds
334. Let's Begin! - Write the first two sounds in a CCVC word
335. Let's Begin! - Write the first two sounds in a CCVC word
336. Sound Check! - Drag letters to make CCVCC word
337. Let's Begin! - Write the first two sounds in a CCVC word
338. Sound It Out! - Write sounds in CCVC words
339. Sound Bingo - Identify sounds in CCVCC word
340. Sound It Out! - Write sounds in CCVC words
341. Sound It Out! - Write sounds in CCVC words
342. Sound It Out! - Write sounds in CCVC words
343. Complete the Word - Write the missing sounds in CCVCC word
344. Sound It Out! - Write CCVCC word from sound
345. Sound It Out! - Write CCVCC word from sound
346. Sound It Out! - Write CCVCC word from sound
347. Sound It Out! - Write CCVCC word from sound
348. First and Last - Write first and last letters of CCVCC words
349. Count It! - Count sounds in a word CCVCC
350. Count It! - Count sounds in a word CCVCC
351. Count It! - Count sounds in a word CCVCC
352. Count It! - Count sounds in a word CCVCC
353. Spelling Bee! - Listen and write a word
354. Spelling Bee! - Listen and write a word
355. Spelling Bee! - Listen and write a word
356. Spelling Bee! - Listen and write a word
357. Word Find - Match word and word sound
358. Word Find - Match word and word sound
359. Complete the word - Write first letter
360. Complete the word - Write first letter
361. Build It - Drag letters to build a word
362. Begin And End - Write first and last letters
363. Begin And End - Write first and last letters
364. Begin And End - Write first and last letters
365. Build It - Drag letters to build a word
366. Make A Word - Put sound tiles in order to make a word
367. Make A Word - Put sound tiles in order to make a word
368. First Up! - Match word and first sound
369. First Up! - Match word and first sound
370. First Up! - Match word and first sound
371. First Up! - Match word and first sound
372. Odd One Out - Recognise different initial sound
373. Odd One Out - Recognise different initial sound
374. Odd One Out - Recognise different initial sound
375. Odd One Out - Recognise different initial sound
376. Spelling Bee! - Listen and write a word
377. Spelling Bee! - Listen and write a word
378. Vowel In The Middle - Write vowel in CVC words
379. Find The Vowel 3
380. Find The Vowel 4
381. Find The Vowel 5
382. Find The Vowel 6
383. Find The Vowel 7
384. Vowel In The Middle - Write vowel in CVC words
385. Vowel In The Middle - Write vowel in CVC words
386. Vowel In The Middle - Write vowel in CVC words
387. Sorting Sounds - Classify words ac/to beginning sound (1)
388. Two Up! - Match word card/spoken word (1)
389. Same Sounds - Match words/word cards (1)
390. Checking It Twice 1A - Match word sounds to words
391. Checking It Twice 2A - Match word sounds to words
392. Checking It Twice 2B - Match word sounds to words in story
393. Checking It Twice 3A - Match word sounds to words
394. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
395. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
396. Do You Hear It? - Identify word containing given phoneme
397. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
398. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
399. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
400. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
401. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
402. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
403. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
404. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
405. Look at the picture - Click the correct word
406. Look at the picture - Click the correct word
407. Look at the picture - Click the correct word
408. Look at the picture - Click the correct word
409. Four Sounds - Write last sound in CVCC word
410. Four Sounds - Write third sound in CVCC word
411. Four Sounds - Write second sound in CVCC word
412. Make The Count! - Identify sep. phonemes in CVC word
413. Make The Count! - Identify sep. phonemes in CVC word
414. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
415. Make The Count! - Identify sep. phonemes in CVCC word
416. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
417. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
418. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
419. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (2)
420. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (3)
421. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (4)
422. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (5)
423. Look at the picture - Click the correct word
424. How many sounds? - Sort words three/four sounds
425. How many sounds? - Sort words three/four sounds
426. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
427. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
428. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
429. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
430. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
431. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
432. Build It Up! - Build CCVC word
433. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
434. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
435. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
436. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (X)
437. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (X)
438. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (X)
439. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (X)
440. Build a Word - Drag letters to build a word (consonant digraph initial pos) (1)
441. Build a Word - Drag letters to build a word (consonant digraph initial pos) (1)
442. Count the Sounds- Count the sounds in a word
443. Count the Sounds- Count the sounds in a word
444. Count the Sounds- Count the sounds in a word
445. First and Last - Write first and last letters of CCVCC words (1)
446. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
447. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
448. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
449. Spelling Bee! - Write word with consonant digraph initial position (1)
450. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
451. Spelling Bee! - Write word with consonant digraph initial position (2)
452. Spelling Bee! - Write word with consonant digraph initial position (3)
453. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
454. Spelling Bee! - Write CVCC word
455. Spelling Bee! - Write CCVC word
456. Spelling Bee! - Write CVCC word
457. Spelling Bee! - Write CCVC word
458. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
459. Listen To Me! - Select the correct sound for a consonant digraph word
460. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
461. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
462. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
463. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
464. Write the sounds in a word - consonant digraph final posn
465. Write the sounds in a word - consonant digraph final posn
466. Drag each consonant digraph word to correct sound shape
467. Listen! - Match word/first sound (2)
468. Listen! - Match word/first sound (3)
469. Listen! - Match word/first sound (4)
470. Listen! - Match word/first sound (5)
471. What is the first sound? - identify words with same first sound (2)
472. What is the first sound? - identify words with same first sound (3)
473. What is the first sound? - identify words with same first sound (4)
474. What is the first sound? - identify words with same first sound (5)
475. Click the word with a different first sound (2)
476. Click the word with a different first sound (3)
477. Click the word with a different first sound (4)
478. Click the word with a different first sound (5)
479. Same Sounds - Identify matching word sounds (2)
480. Same Sounds - Identify matching word sounds (3)
481. Same Sounds - Identify matching word sounds (4)
482. Same Sounds - Identify matching word sounds (5)
483. What is the word? - Blend phonemes to make a word (4)
484. What is the word? - Blend phonemes to make a word (5)
485. Who Could I Be? - My name begins with.... (2)
486. Who Could I Be? - My name begins with.... (3)
487. Who Could I Be? - My name begins with.... (4)
488. Who Could I Be? - My name begins with.... (5)
489. Do You Hear It? - Identify word containing given phoneme
490. Do You Hear It? - Identify word containing given phoneme
491. Do You Hear It? - Identify word containing given phoneme
492. Do You Hear It? - Identify word containing given phoneme
493. Do You Hear It? - Identify word containing given phoneme
494. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (1a}
495. Look at the picture - Click the correct word (5a)
496. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (1a)
497. First Sounds - Match initial sound/letter
498. Last Sounds - Match final sound/letter
499. Sounds and Letters - Identify initial letters (multiple words) (a)
500. Word Find - Match word/word sound
501. First Middle or Last? Identify position of /g/ sound
502. Last To Play - Identify common end sound
503. Last To Play - Identify common end sound
504. Build A Word - Consonant digraph initial position (1)
505. Sorting Sounds - Classify words ac/to beginning sound (1)
506. Sorting Sounds - Classify words ac/to beginning sound (1)
507. Sorting Sounds - Classify words ac/to beginning sound (1)
508. Sorting Sounds - Classify words ac/to beginning sound (1)
509. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (1a)
510. Word Find - Blend phonemes and find word (1)
511. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (1a)
512. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (a)
513. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (a)
514. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (a)
515. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (a)
516. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (a)
517. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (a)
518. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (a)
519. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (a)
520. Drag each consonant digraph word to correct sound shape (2)
521. Drag each consonant digraph word to correct sound shape (5)
522. Drag each consonant digraph word to correct sound shape (4)
523. Drag each consonant digraph word to correct sound shape (3)
524. Choose A Sentence - Click correct text for picture (1a)
525. Choose A Sentence - Click correct text for picture
526. Correct or Incorrect 1 -Choose correct sentence (1a)
527. Correct or Incorrect 2 -Choose correct sentence
528. Correct or Incorrect 2 -Choose correct sentence
529. Correct or Incorrect 2 -Choose correct sentence
530. Correct or Incorrect 2 -Choose correct sentence
531. Correct or Incorrect 2 -Choose correct sentence
532. Word Find - Locate correct CCVC word
533. On Your Way! - Drag all the words that say "way" into the suitcase (1)
534. On Your Way - Put all the "it" words in the suitcase (1)
535. It's Raining Logs! - Select all the "og" words (1)
536. Floating Away - Select all the "um" words (1)
537. Floating Away - Select the "eg" words (1)
538. Sum it up - Write letters and words to complete word sums (1)
539. Sum it up - Write letters and words to complete word sums (1)
540. Sum it up - Write letters and words to complete word sums (1)
541. Sum it up - Write letters and words to complete word sums (1)
542. Sum it up - Write letters and words to complete word sums (1)
543. Keep It Under Your Hat! - Select all the "at" words (1)
544. How Now, Brown Cow? - Write letters and words to complete word sums (1)
545. Put on a Pot! - Select all the "ot" words (1)
546. I See You! - Select the words that say "read" (1)
547. The tin bin was thin like a pin - Unscramble list words (1)
548. The tin bin was thin like a pin - Unscramble list words (1)
549. Sort It! - "ed" words and "op" words (1)
550. Lasso! - Same beginning sound as "baby" (1)
551. Lasso! - Same beginning sound as "get" (1)
552. Lasso! - Same beginning sound as "twice" (1)
553. Lasso! - Same beginning sound as "chop" (1)
554. Same First Sound - Match pictures with the same first sound (1)