Segmenting spoken words into phonemes and representing these by graphemes, spelling many correctly

1. Blend With An End - Combine a consonant blend with different ends to make words: gr
2. Now You See It - Select all the words with the letter group 'th'
3. Now You See It - Select all the words with the letter group 'st'
4. Now You See It - Select all the words with the letter group 'ch'
5. Now You See It - Select all the words with the letter group 'sh'
6. On The News - Select the 'aid' words
7. On The News - Select the 'eet' words
8. On The News - Select the 'ill' words
9. Puzzled Out - Join a word beginning and a word end
10. Puzzled Out - Join a word beginning and a word end
11. Ants in Your Pants - Select all the 'ant' words
12. Sort It! - 'ish' words and 'own' words
13. Sort It! - 'ake' words and 'ain' words
14. Puzzled Out - Join a word beginning and a word end
15. Puzzled Out - Join a word beginning and a word end
16. Heads or Tails? - Swap word endings to make correct words
17. Missing Links - Write the missing letters
18. Missing Links - Write the missing letters
19. Away, Away on a Holiday - Combine letters to make the word 'clothes'
20. The Blue Lagoon- Find the small words in 'without'
21. Missing Links - Write the missing letters
22. Missing Links - Write the missing letters
23. Missing Links - Write the missing letters
24. Seeing Double - Complete each word with the correct double letter
25. Seeing Double - Complete each word with the correct double letter
26. Row, Row, Row - Write the common sound for each word group
27. Fiona's Fairy Bread - Words beginning with the same sound as 'bell'
28. Collect The Eggs - Words with same beginning blend as 'straw'
29. Collect The Eggs - Words with same beginning blend as 'tree'
30. Missing Letters - Complete words to match the pictures
31. Animal Noises - What noise do cats make?
32. Animal Noises - What noise does a dog make?
33. Finish the Word - Match ending to initial letters
34. Finish the Word - Match ending to initial letter
35. Finish the Word - Match ending to initial letter
36. Start and Finish These Words - Write initial/final letters
37. Write The Missing Letters - Complete the word
38. Change A Word - Change one letter to make a new word matching the picture
39. Change A Word - Change one letter to make a new word matching the picture
40. Change A Word - Change one letter to make a new word matching the picture
41. Change A Word - Change one letter to make a new word matching the picture
42. Missing Letters - Complete words to match pictures
43. Start and Finish These Words - Add initial/final letters
44. Finish the Word - Match word ending to initial letter
45. Tool Time - Add letter/letters to make tool words
46. Spell It! - Identify correct vowel digraph (*)
47. Count sounds, build word - focus vowel sounds (*)
48. Fill In Missing Sound (*)
49. Drag word endings to complete words - vowel focus (*)
50. Choose word with focus vowel sound (*)
51. Drag correct grapheme to complete word (*)
52. Complete word using correct grapheme (*)
53. Write rhyming words - focus split vowel digraph (*)
54. Match phonemes with words (*)
55. Sort words by vowel sounds (2)
56. Sort words by vowel sounds (*)
57. Sort words ac/to vowel sounds (*)
58. Drag correct grapheme to complete each word (*)
59. Complete word by writing focus phoneme (*)
60. Tucker - Listen and type word with focus vowel sound (*)
61. Around the House- Identify words with same phoneme/diff graphemes (*)
62. Listening and typing words with focus sounds (*)
63. Match phoneme to words - 'qu' focus (*)
64. Listen and group words with same last sound (*)
65. Type missing sound - all focus sounds (*)
66. Write missing focus sound (*)
67. Manipulating Sounds - Real word to real word(*)
68. Write correct vowel digraph (*)
69. Manipulate phonemes with focus sounds (1)
70. Listen and write words with focus vowel sounds (*)
71. Manipulate sounds in words (*)
72. Drag correct vowel sound into a word (*)
73. Write words with vowel digraph (*)
74. Click word with correct vowel digraph (*)
75. Write two graphemes for focus phoneme (*)
76. Listen and complete word with focus vowel sound (*)
77. Match vowel sounds in words (*)
78. Match vowel sound to word (*)
79. Drag correct vowel sound to word (*)
80. Drag tiles to make a new word - vowel digraph focus (*)
81. Drag words with same vowel sound to box (*)
82. Match word sound to word card (*)
83. Match vowel sound to words (*)
84. Drag correct vowel digraph to complete word (*)
85. Match vowel sound to correct word (or/ar/ir focus) (*)
86. Drag correct vowel digraphs to complete words (*)
87. Drag correct vowel sound into a word (1)
88. Drag words with matching vowel sound (3)
89. Manipulate sounds in words (1)
90. Drag correct vowel sound into a word (2)
91. Match vowel sounds in words (2)
92. Drag correct vowel sound into a word (3)
93. Drag words with matching vowel sound (4)
94. Manipulate sounds in words (2)
95. Match vowel sounds in words (3)
96. Manipulate sounds in words (3)
97. Write words with vowel digraph (2)
98. Write words with vowel digraph (3)
99. Write words with vowel digraph (4)
100. Manipulate sounds in words (4)
101. Click word with correct vowel digraph (ee)
102. Click word with correct vowel digraph (oa)
103. Click word with correct vowel digraph (i_e)
104. Match correct vowel sound in words - sound to sound focus (1)
105. Match correct vowel sound in words - sound to sound focus (2)
106. Match correct vowel sound in words - sound to sound focus (3)
107. Match correct vowel sound in words - sound to sound focus (4)
108. Manipulate sounds in words (*)
109. Medial Double Consonant Recognition 1 (*)
110. Manipulate sounds in words (5)
111. Manipulate sounds in words (6)
112. Manipulate sounds in words (7)
113. Manipulate sounds in words (2)
114. Match vowel sound to word (2)
115. Drag correct vowel sound to word (2)
116. Match vowel sound to word (3)
117. Drag correct vowel sound to word (3)
118. Drag words with same vowel sound to box (2)
119. Drag words with same vowel sound to box (3)
120. Drag correct vowel digraph to complete word (2)
121. Drag correct vowel digraph to complete word (3)
122. Match vowel sound to words (1)
123. Match vowel sound to correct word (or/ar/ir focus) (ir)
124. Match vowel sound to correct word (or/ar/ir focus) (ar)
125. Drag correct vowel digraphs to complete words (2)
126. Drag correct vowel digraphs to complete words (3)
127. Match vowel sound to words (2)
128. Match vowel sound to words (3)
129. Drag tiles to make a new word - vowel digraph focus (1)
130. Match vowel sound to word (4)
131. Drag correct vowel digraph to complete word (4)
132. Match vowel sound to correct word (or/ar/ir focus) (or)
133. Drag words with same vowel sound to box (4)
134. Drag tiles to make a new word - vowel digraph focus (2)
135. Drag correct vowel sound to word (4)
136. Drag tiles to make a new word - vowel digraph focus (3)
137. Drag correct vowel digraphs to complete words (4)
138. Match phoneme/multiple graphemes (*)
139. Word Building - Build words with focus digraphs (*)
140. Type word with focus phoneme (*)
141. Match words to end sounds (*)
142. Manipulate sounds in words (*)
143. Manipulate sounds in words (*)
144. Listen and choose words with focus phoneme (*)
145. Medial Double Consonant Recognition 1 (2)
146. Medial Double Consonant Recognition 1 (3)
147. Medial Double Consonant Recognition 1 (4)
148. Medial Double Consonant Recognition 1 (5)
149. Medial Double Consonant Recognition 1 (6)
150. Medial Double Consonant Recognition 1 (7)
151. Identifying Y Sound- Drag a grapheme (1)
152. Identifying Y Sound- Drag a grapheme (4)
153. Identifying Y Sound- Drag a grapheme (5)
154. Identifying Y Sound- Drag a grapheme (6)
155. Manipulating Sounds - Real word to real word (1)
156. Manipulating Sounds - Real word to real word (2)
157. Write correct vowel digraph (1)
158. Write correct vowel digraph (2)
159. Drag correct vowel digraph to complete word(*) (1)
160. Drag correct vowel digraph to complete word(*) (2)
161. Manipulating Sounds - Real word to real word (3)
162. Write correct vowel digraph (3)
163. Drag correct vowel digraph to complete word(*) (2)
164. Choose words with focus vowel digraph (*)
165. Choose words with focus vowel sound (*)
166. Write two graphemes for focus phoneme (*)
167. Listen and write words with focus vowel sounds (2)
168. Listen and write words with focus vowel sounds (3)
169. Listen and write words with focus vowel sounds (4)
170. Listen and write words with focus vowel sounds (5)
171. Manipulate phonemes with focus sounds (5)
172. Manipulate phonemes with focus sounds (4)
173. Manipulate phonemes with focus sounds (3)
174. Manipulate phonemes with focus sounds (2)
175. Manipulate phonemes with focus sounds (*)
176. Listening and typing words with focus sounds (1)
177. Listening and typing words with focus sounds (2)
178. Listening and typing words with focus sounds (3)
179. Listening and typing words with focus sounds (4)
180. Listening and typing words with focus sounds (5)
181. Write missing focus sound (1)
182. Write missing focus sound (2)
183. Count sounds, build word - focus vowel sounds (1)
184. Count sounds, build word - focus vowel sounds (2)
185. Count sounds, build word - focus vowel sounds (3)
186. Count sounds, build word - focus vowel sounds (4)
187. Drag word endings to complete words - vowel focus (4)
188. Drag word endings to complete words - vowel focus (3)
189. Drag word endings to complete words - vowel focus (1)
190. Write rhyming words - focus split vowel digraph (1)
191. Write rhyming words - focus split vowel digraph (2)
192. Write rhyming words - focus split vowel digraph (3)
193. Choose word with focus vowel sound (5)
194. Choose word with focus vowel sound (4)
195. Choose word with focus vowel sound (3)
196. Sort words by vowel sounds (3)
197. Sort words by vowel sounds (4)
198. Tucker - Listen and type word with focus vowel sound (1)
199. Tucker - Listen and type word with focus vowel sound (2)
200. Tucker - Listen and type word with focus vowel sound (3)
201. Tucker identifies different spellings of same phoneme (3)
202. Tucker identifies different spellings of same phoneme (2)
203. Tucker identifies different spellings of same phoneme (1)
204. Write two graphemes for focus phoneme (3)
205. Write two graphemes for focus phoneme (2)
206. Choose words with focus vowel digraph (2)
207. Listen and complete word with focus vowel sound (1)
208. Listen and identify sound with focus phoneme (3)
209. Listen and identify sound with focus phoneme (2)
210. Listen and identify sound with focus phoneme (1)
211. Choose words with focus vowel digraph (3)
212. Tucker learns to spell words with focus vowel sound (3)
213. Tucker learns to spell words with focus vowel sound (2)
214. Tucker learns to spell words with focus vowel sound (1)
215. Identify focus vowel sound (1)
216. Identify focus vowel sound (2)
217. Listen and complete word with focus vowel sound (3)
218. Listen and complete word with focus vowel sound (2)
219. Identify focus vowel sound (3)
220. Listen and group words with same last sound (1)
221. Listen and group words with same last sound (2)
222. Listen and group words with same last sound (3)
223. Type missing sound - all focus sounds (1)
224. Type missing sound - all focus sounds (2)
225. Type missing sound - all focus sounds (3)
226. Choose words with focus vowel sound (1)
227. Match phoneme to words - 'qu' focus (1)
228. Match phoneme to words - 'qu' focus (2)
229. Match phoneme to words - 'qu' focus (3)
230. Choose words with focus vowel sound (2)
231. Match phoneme to words - air focus (2)
232. Choose words with focus vowel sound (3)
233. Match phoneme to words - ay focus (3)
234. Match phoneme to words - aw focus (4)
235. Type missing sound - all focus sounds (4)
236. Fill In Missing Sound (1)
237. Fill In Missing Sound (2)
238. Fill In Missing Sound (3)
239. Fill In Missing Sound (3)
240. Fill In Missing Sound (2)
241. Fill In Missing Sound (1)
242. Manipulate sounds in words (3)
243. Match phoneme/multiple graphemes (3)
244. Match phoneme/multiple graphemes (2)
245. Match phoneme/multiple graphemes (1)
246. Around the House- Identify words with same phoneme/diff graphemes (2)
247. Around the House- Identify words with same phoneme/diff graphemes (1)
248. Word Building - Build words with focus digraphs (1)
249. Type word with focus phoneme (1)
250. Type word with focus phoneme (2)
251. Word Building - Build words with focus digraphs (1)
252. Type word with focus phoneme (3)
253. Word Building - Build words with focus digraphs (1)
254. Drag correct grapheme to complete word (1)
255. Drag correct grapheme to complete word (2)
256. Choose words with correct beginning phoneme (3)
257. Match words to end sounds (1)
258. Match words to end sounds (2)
259. Match words to end sounds (3)
260. Manipulate sounds in words (1)
261. Manipulate sounds in words (2)
262. Manipulate sounds in words (3)
263. Manipulate sounds in words (1)
264. Manipulate sounds in words (2)
265. Manipulate sounds in words (3)
266. Listen and choose words with focus phoneme (1)
267. Drag correct grapheme to complete word (4)
268. Listen and choose words with focus phoneme (2)
269. Listen and choose words with focus phoneme (3)
270. Complete word by writing focus phoneme (3)
271. Complete word by writing focus phoneme (1)
272. Spell It! - Identify correct vowel digraph (3)
273. Spell It! - Identify correct vowel digraph (2)
274. Spell It! - Identify correct vowel digraph (1)
275. Spell It! - Identify correct vowel digraph (4)
276. Match word sounds with words and pictures (1)
277. Match phonemes with words (3)
278. Match phonemes with words (4)
279. Alphabet Soup
280. Blend With An End - Combine a consonant blend with different ends to make words: bl (1)
281. Blend With An End - Combine a consonant blend with different ends to make words: gl (1)
282. Blend With An End - Combine a consonant blend with different ends to make words: sp (1)
283. Blend With An End - Combine a consonant blend with different ends to make words: fr (1)
284. Lasso! - Words with same beginning sound as "sausage" (1)
285. Up and Away - Use the letters on the balloons to complete the words (1)
286. Up and Away - Use the letters on the balloons to complete the words (1)
287. Match Maker - Match word endings to word beginnings (1)
288. Put Them In Their Place - Match word beginnings and word endings (1)
289. Picture Clues - Complete the "sp" words (1)
290. All the Same - Complete all words with the same letter group (1)
291. Broken Words - Use three words parts to build a new word (1)
292. In The Beginning - Write the same 3 letters to complete each word (1)
293. In The Beginning - Write the same 3 letters to complete each word (1)
294. Row, Row, Row - Write the common sound for each word group (1)
295. Row, Row, Row - Write the common sound for each word group (1)
296. Row, Row, Row - Write the common sound for each word group (1)
297. Picture This! - Complete the "sk" words (1)
298. Picture This! - Complete the "cl" words (1)
299. All Day Every Day - Identify the small word that uses letters from "every" (1)
300. Almost Enough! - Click the letter groups in "almost" and "along" (1)
301. Think It Through! - Identify letter groups in "thought" and "through" (1)