Recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 x 12
1. | Double up: 2 x 7 | |
2. | Multiplication chain: 6 x 2 = ? x 1 = ? | |
3. | Hit the big times: 12 x 2 | |
4. | Hit the big times: 11 x 5 | |
5. | Hit the big times: 12 x 4 | |
6. | Hit the big times: 12 x 3 | |
7. | Times machine - 6x0, 6x10, 6x5 | |
8. | Lions multiply: Click numbers that are not multiples of 4 | |
9. | Lions multiply: Click multiples of 6 | |
10. | Lions multiply: Click all numbers that are not multiples of 3 | |
11. | Lions Multiply: Click all numbers that are not multiples of 5 | |
12. | Number Detectives: 6x4 | |
13. | Lions multiply: Click all 8 multiples | |
14. | Lions multiply: Click all 4 multiples | |
15. | Lions Multiply: Click all 6 multiples | |
16. | Number detectives: 12 x 8 | |
17. | Lions Multiply: Click all numbers that are not multiples of 2 | |
18. | Lions Multiply: Click multiples of 3 | |
19. | Lions Multiply: Click multiples of 4 | |
20. | Lions Multiply: Click multiples of 5 | |
21. | Lions multiply: Click all non-multiples of 3 | |
22. | Lions multiply: Click all non-multiples of 4 | |
23. | Lions multiply: Click all non-multiples of 5 | |
24. | Lions multiply: Click all non-multiples of 8 | |
25. | Divisible Lions: Click numbers divisible by 2 | |
26. | True or False: 20/2=40/4 | |
27. | True or False: 24/6=32/8 | |
28. | My Fair Sharer: ? ÷ 6 = 12 48 24 | |
29. | True or False: 30/2=3x5 | |
30. | Fair Sharer: put the correct division setting into the fair sharer | |
31. | Divisible lions: Click numbers NOT divisible by 5 | |
32. | Divisible lions: Click numbers NOT divisible by 6 | |
33. | Divisible lions: Click numbers NOT divisible by 7 | |
34. | My Fair Sharer: write the answers after each number has been divided | |
35. | My Fair Sharer: Divide 56, 6, 14, 10 by 7 | |
36. | The Great Divide: Complete each division sentence | |
37. | The Great Divide: Complete each division sentence | |
38. | Farm Products: Write the product of 4 and 8 | |
39. | Farm Products: Write the product of 3 and 8 |