Proposing changes to vocabulary, grammar and punctuation to enhance effects and clarify meaning
1. | More Please - Write a list word to correctly complete each sentence | |
2. | Which Word? - Complete sentences with correct homophone | |
3. | Are You My Type? - Classification activity | |
4. | Are You My Type? - Classification activity | |
5. | Opposite Attraction - Use opposites to complete sentences | |
6. | Opposite Attraction - Use opposites to complete sentences | |
7. | Opposite Attraction - Complete sentences/write opposites | |
8. | Opposite Attraction - Complete sentences/write opposites | |
9. | Opposite Attraction - Complete sentences/write opposites | |
10. | Opposite Attraction - Complete sentences/write opposites | |
11. | Preposition Precision - Use correct prepositions | |
12. | Opposite Attraction - Complete sentence/write opposite | |
13. | Opposite Attraction - Complete sentence/write opposite | |
14. | Opposite Attraction - Complete sentence/write opposite | |
15. | Too Nice! - Use more expressive adjectives | |
16. | Blah Blah Blah - Complete sentences with most appropriate word | |
17. | Blah Blah Blah - Complete sentences with most appropriate word | |
18. | The Couch Potato - Use correct prepositions | |
19. | Cheesy Twists - Use its/it's correctly | |
20. | The Gift (2) - Use correct preposition | |
21. | The Figurine (2) - Correct use of 'there','their', they're' | |
22. | The Gift - Use correct preposition | |
23. | The Figurine - Correct use of 'there','their', they're' | |
24. | The Word For The Job - Match word/sentences | |
25. | Key Words - Choose correct word form: ed/ing ending | |
26. | Ed or Ing? - Choosing correct word form: ed/ing ending | |
27. | Confusable Words - Select words for meaning | |
28. | Confusable Words - Select words for meaning | |
29. | Sunday Sentences - Use correct prepositions | |
30. | Opposite Attraction - Complete sentences & write opposites | |
31. | Opposite Attraction - Complete sentences & write opposites | |
32. | Opposite Attraction - Complete sentences & write opposites | |
33. | A Little Formality - Substitute formal/ colloquial expressions | |
34. | It Isn't Puppy Love - Use its/it's correctly | |
35. | Sunday Sentences - Use correct prepositions | |
36. | Antarctic Idol - Use correct prepositions | |
37. | Fine Phrasing - Phrase substitution | |
38. | Fix The Subtitle - Correct incorrect sentence | |
39. | The Strongest Link - Choose correct linking word. | |
40. | Rewriting 'The Fact That' - Simplify sentence construction | |
41. | Rewriting 'The Fact That' - Simplify sentence construction | |
42. | Rewriting 'The Fact That' - Simplify sentence construction | |
43. | Rewriting 'The Fact That' - Simplify sentence construction | |
44. | Rewriting 'The Fact That' - Simplify sentence construction | |
45. | Fix The Subtitle - Rewrite incorrect sentence | |
46. | It's Not Rocket Science(3) - Write correct preposition | |
47. | It's Not Rocket Science(2) - Write correct preposition | |
48. | The Party - Correct use of prepositions | |
49. | It's Not Rocket Science(1) - Write correct preposition | |
50. | Body Language - Match idiom/body part | |
51. | Body Language - Match idiom/body part | |
52. | Location! Location! - Match collocational word pairs | |
53. | Body Language - Match idiom/body part | |
54. | The Only Way Is Up - Complete idiomatic expressions using 'up' | |
55. | Fix The Subtitle - Correct incorrect sentence | |
56. | Turn, Turn, Turn! - Complete idiomatic phrases using 'turn' | |
57. | Colourful Words - Write missing colour words | |
58. | Colourful Words - Write missing colour words | |
59. | I Love The Java Jive - Use correct prepositions | |
60. | All In A Good Cause - Write appropriate causative words | |
61. | Word Misuse - Identify misused words. | |
62. | Wherefore Art Thou, Shakespeare? - Replace archaic words/phrases | |
63. | Colourful Words - Write missing colour words | |
64. | The Adventures Of James - Complete sentence with appropriate word | |
65. | The Adventures Of James - Complete sentence with appropriate word | |
66. | The Adventures Of James - Complete sentence with appropriate word | |
67. | The Adventures Of James - Complete sentence with appropriate word | |
68. | Noun Town - Place nouns correctly in a sentence | |
69. | Noun Town - Place nouns correctly in a sentence | |
70. | Noun Town - Place nouns correctly in a sentence | |
71. | Sentence ID Parade - Identify sentences | |
72. | Sentence ID Parade - Select correct sentences | |
73. | Sentence ID Parade - Select correct sentences | |
74. | Sentence ID Parade - Select correct sentences | |
75. | Aquatic Adventures - Arrange words to make a sentence | |
76. | What A Drag! - Replace nouns with pronouns | |
77. | Royce The Riddler Is Back! - Punctuate questions | |
78. | Royce The Riddler Is Back! - Punctuate questions | |
79. | Royce The Riddler Is Back! - Punctuate questions | |
80. | Seal the Deal - Rewrite sentences with correct grammar | |
81. | A Trip Through Nepal - Correct grammar and punctuation errors | |
82. | A Trip Through Japan - Correct punctuation errors | |
83. | A Trip Through China - Correct punctuation errors | |
84. | Really Real? - Correct use of real/really | |
85. | All Well And Good - Correct use of well/good | |
86. | For Better Or For Worse! - Correct use of good/better and bad/worse | |
87. | The Mullet King - Using there, they're and their | |
88. | Demonstrating Demonstratives - Using singular/plural demonstratives | |
89. | Demonstrating Demonstratives - Using singular/plural demonstratives | |
90. | Me, Myself, I - Use me, myself and I correctly | |
91. | Fix The Subtitle - Change one word and punctuate | |
92. | Fix The Subtitle - Change one word and punctuate | |
93. | I Like You, You Like Me - Using me and I | |
94. | A Trip Through France - Correct errors in punctuation and grammar | |
95. | A Trip Through Chile - Correct errors in punctuation and grammar | |
96. | A Trip Through India - Correct errors in punctuation and grammar | |
97. | Ant Farm Fun! - Students, student's or students' | |
98. | City Slickers - Using verbs, lay/lie | |
99. | Country Life - Using verbs, lay/lie | |
100. | A Trip Through Korea - Correct errors in punctuation and grammar | |
101. | Fix The Subtitle - Proof-reading and correction | |
102. | Fix The Subtitle - Proof-reading and correction | |
103. | Comma Invasion! - Identify incorrect comma usage | |
104. | Comma Invasion! - Identify incorrect comma usage | |
105. | Bingsley Murders - Identify incorrect grammar | |
106. | Tuxedo Con-Junctions! - Using conjunctions | |
107. | It's "Its", Isn't It? - Identify incorrect/correct punctuation | |
108. | Captain Canary Finds the Secret Plan - Identify grammatical error | |
109. | Aquatic Adventures - Write correctly punctuated sentence using given words | |
110. | Aquatic Adventures - Write correctly punctuated sentence using given words | |
111. | Boys Will Be Boys - Plurals and apostrophes: boys, boys' or boy's | |
112. | Teach Me Something I Don't Know - Plurals and apostrophes: teachers, teachers' or teacher's | |
113. | Colon-oscopy - Correct punctuation, using colon | |
114. | Scratchin' Syntax - Identify poorly constructed sentences | |
115. | Fix The Subtitle - Change one word and punctuate | |
116. | Fix The Subtitle - Change one word and punctuate | |
117. | A Trip Through Brazil - Correct errors in punctuation and grammar | |
118. | Clauses of Chaos - Identify grammatically incorrect sentences | |
119. | Knick Knack Paddy Whack! - Identify correctly constructed sentences, conjunctions | |
120. | Compound Nouns - Plural form of compound nouns | |
121. | Compound Nouns - Plural form of compound nouns | |
122. | Compound Nouns - Plural form of compound nouns | |
123. | Compound Nouns - Plural form of compound nouns | |
124. | Compound Nouns - Plural form of compound nouns | |
125. | Compound Nouns - Plural form of compound nouns | |
126. | Jumbled World - Identify sentences with unclear meanings | |
127. | - Make corrections to grammar, spelling and punctuation | |
128. | Mistakes Were Made - Count errors in text | |
129. | Mistakes Were Made - Count errors in text | |
130. | Mistakes Were Made - Count errors in text | |
131. | Mistakes Were Made - Count errors in text | |
132. | Mistakes Were Made - Count errors in text | |
133. | Draggin' for the Dragon! - Using relative pronouns | |
134. | Which Word? - Use gerund and infinitive forms to complete sentences | |
135. | Which Word? - Use gerund and infinitive forms to complete sentences | |
136. | Which Word? - Use gerund and infinitive forms to complete sentences | |
137. | Which Word? - Use gerund and infinitive forms to complete sentences | |
138. | A Little Formality - Substitute formal/ colloquial expressions | |
139. | Making Do - Complete collocational expressions with make/do | |
140. | Making Do - Complete collocational expressions with make/do | |
141. | Verb Abuse - Choose correct verb form | |
142. | Bedroom Monsters(2) - Correct use of prepositions | |
143. | Helping Verbs - Correct use of modal auxiliaries | |
144. | Helping Verbs - Correct use of modal auxiliaries | |
145. | Helping Verbs - Correct use of modal auxiliaries | |
146. | Helping Verbs - Correct use of modal auxiliaries | |
147. | Compound Nouns - Plural form of compound nouns | |
148. | At The Zoo - Poetry comprehension (3) | |
149. | Procedure (1) | |
150. | Procedure (2) | |
151. | Procedure (3) | |
152. | Narrative- appropriate dialogue (3) | |
153. | Procedure (4) | |
154. | Procedure (5) | |
155. | Sound Stories- w/wh focus (1) | |
156. | Joe the Drummer - Complete each sentence with the correct word (1) | |
157. | Are You My Type? - Classification activity (1) | |
158. | A Question of Numbers - Correct use of less/fewer (1) | |
159. | Seal the Deal - Rewrite sentences with correct grammar (1) | |
160. | Seal the Deal - Rewrite sentences with correct grammar (1) | |
161. | In My Secret Garden - Classify words and write the rule (1) | |
162. | In My Secret Garden - Classify words and write the rule (1) | |
163. | Bedroom Monsters(1) - Correct use of prepositions (1) | |
164. | In My Secret Garden - Match words/clues and write the rule (1) | |
165. | An Easy Mistake - Write correct word (1) | |
166. | An Easy Mistake - Write correct word (1) | |
167. | An Easy Mistake - Write correct word (1) | |
168. | Colon-oscopy - Correct punctuation, using colon (1) |