Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables, including recognising odd and even numbers

1. Odd or Even? Click the even numbers.
2. Odd or Even? Click the even numbers.
3. Odd or Even? Click the odd numbers.
4. Odd or Even? Click the odd numbers.
5. Odd or Even? Click the odd numbers.
6. Odd or Even? Click the even numbers.
7. Odd or Even? Click the even numbers.
8. Odd or Even? Click the even numbers.
9. Odd or Even? Click the even numbers.
10. Odd or Even? Click the odd numbers.
11. Odd or Even? Click the even numbers.
12. Odd or Even? Click the even numbers.
13. Odd or Even? Click the even numbers.
14. Odd or Even? Click the odd numbers.
15. Odd or Even? Click the odd numbers.
16. Odd or Even? Click the odd numbers.
17. Odd or Even? Click the odd numbers.
18. Odd or Even? Click the even numbers.
19. Odd or Even? Click the odd numbers.
20. Odd or Even? Click the odd numbers.
21. Odd or Even? Click the even numbers.
22. Odd or Even? - 3-digit: click the odd numbers
23. Odd or Even? - 3-digit: Click the even numbers
24. True or False?: 10 x 3 = 30
25. True or False?: 2 x 7 = 14
26. True or False?: 2 x 10 = 20
27. Double up: 2 x 5
28. Times machine: x2
29. Times machine: x2
30. Times machine: x2
31. Word Wise: Multiply 3 by 5
32. Lions multiply: click all the multiples of 5
33. Lions multiply: click all the multiples of 5
34. Lions multiply: click all the multiples of 2
35. Lions multiply: click all the multiples of 2
36. Number detectives: 5x5=*
37. Number detectives: 2x9=*
38. Double up: Double 2
39. Double up: Double 10
40. Times machine - 2x4, 2x3, 2x0
41. Times machine - 5x6, 5x10, 5x2
42. Times machine - 10x2, 10x3, 10x10
43. Times machine: write the correct multiplier on the times machine
44. Times machine: write the correct multiplier on the times machine
45. Times machine: write the correct multiplier on the times machine
46. Times Chain - 3 x 2 = ? x 2 = ?
47. What Comes Next? - first even number after 13
48. What Comes Next? - first odd number after 13
49. What Comes Next? - first odd number after 12
50. Odd Bods - organise data
51. Pigs in Pens: Click the group with an even number of pigs