Compare and order lengths, mass, volume/capacity and record the results using >, < and =
1. | Same Size, Different Shape? - select shape with same volume | |
2. | Same Size, Different Shape? - same volume, yes/no | |
3. | Same Size, Different Shape? - same volume, yes/no | |
4. | Here's Cheers - comparing capacity, more/less | |
5. | Here's Cheers - comparing capacity, more/less | |
6. | Here's Cheers - comparing capacity, yes/no | |
7. | Here's Cheers - comparing capacity, yes/no | |
8. | Same Size, Different Shape? - select object with same volume | |
9. | Will it Fit? - comparing volumes | |
10. | More or Less - objects with greater volume | |
11. | More or Less - objects with greater volume | |
12. | More or Less - objects with greater volume | |
13. | Ordering with Ollie the Octopus: Order from largest to smallest volume | |
14. | Ordering with Ollie the Octopus - order from smallest to largest volume | |
15. | Ordering with Ollie the Octopus: Order from largest to smallest volume | |
16. | Charlotte the Chicken's Comparisons: Holds more than... | |
17. | Charlotte the Chicken's Comparisons: Holds more than... | |
18. | Charlotte the Chicken's Comparisons: Holds more than... | |
19. | Up Size - comparing areas | |
20. | All Blocked Up - same area in informal units | |
21. | All Blocked Up - same area in informal units | |
22. | All Blocked Up - same area in informal units | |
23. | On a Roll - use informal calibrated tape/ruler to find longest rolling pin | |
24. | Short Order - order 4 animals, shortest to longest | |
25. | Tall Order - order 4 animals, tallest to shortest | |
26. | Snake Space - select side of same length | |
27. | Catfish Capers 3 - cm and m, select shortest | |
28. | It's A Long Story 2 - cm, shortest | |
29. | It's A Long Story 1 - cm, longest | |
30. | Keep on Truckin' 1 - cm, longest | |
31. | Catfish Capers 2 - cm and m, select not longest but not shortest | |
32. | Catfish Capers 1 - cm and m, select longest | |
33. | Frolicking Frogs 2 - compare whole and half metres, 100cm in a metre | |
34. | Frolicking Frogs 1 - compare whole and half metres, 100cm in a metre | |
35. | And That's The Ball Game - lightest to heaviest | |
36. | Drink and Be Cherry - heaviest to lightest | |
37. | Weighing Up Your Options - multiples, more or less | |
38. | Weighing Up Your Options - groups, more or less | |
39. | Balancing Act - informal units, balancing objects | |
40. | Balancing Act - informal units, heavier of 2 objects | |
41. | Weighing Up Your Options - more or less | |
42. | Heavy Work - lightest to heaviest | |
43. | Heavy Work - heaviest to lightest | |
44. | Weighing In - heaviest object from 2 | |
45. | Weighing In - lightest object from 2 | |
46. | Weighing In - heaviest object from 2 | |
47. | Sizing Up - order shapes from smallest to largest | |
48. | Sizing Up - order shapes from largest to smallest | |
49. | Star Sequence - order shapes from largest to smallest | |
50. | Seashells By The Seashore - informal units, about the same mass | |
51. | Seashells By The Seashore - informal units, about the same mass |