Read and write numbers up to 1000 in numerals and in words

1. Here's the number - 290 920 902
2. Here's the number - 110 101 111
3. Here's the number - 504 450 405
4. Here's the number - 306 360 603
5. Here's the number - 809 890 980
6. Here are the words: Put the correct number in each box.
7. Here are the words: Put the correct number in each box.
8. Here are the words: Put the correct number in each box.
9. Here are the words: Put the correct number in each box.
10. Here's the number: 916, 619, 691
11. Here's the number: 425, 542, 254
12. Here's the number: 361 631 613
13. Here's the number: 247 724 472
14. Here's the number: 814 418 481
15. Here's the number: 686 866 868
16. Here's the number: 422 224 424
17. Here's the number: 302 322 232
18. Here's the number: 193 139 339
19. Here's the number: 725 527 727
20. Here are the words.........where's the number?
21. Here are the words.........where's the number?
22. Here are the words.........where's the number?
23. Here are the words.........where's the number?
24. Here are the words.........where's the number?
25. What's That Number?
26. What's That Number?
27. What's That Number?
28. What's That Number?
29. What's That Number?