Solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods, and multiplication and division facts, including problems in contexts
1. | Word Wise: Double 6 | |
2. | Double Up and Add: Double 6 plus 4 | |
3. | Double Up and Add: Double 10 plus 7 | |
4. | Double Up and Add: Double 9 plus 2 | |
5. | Party time: 2 groups of balloons x 3 per group | |
6. | Party time: 2 rows of people x 5 per row | |
7. | Party time: 3 rows of presents x 3 per row | |
8. | Circus Times: 2 rows of elephants x 2 per row | |
9. | True or False?: 2 x 6 = 13 | |
10. | True or False?: 2 x 8 = 20 | |
11. | Joanna scrambles eggs: 2+2 | |
12. | Double up: 2 x 3 | |
13. | Double up: 2 x 6 | |
14. | Double up: 2 x 4 | |
15. | Count in times: 3x2 | |
16. | Count in times: 5x2 | |
17. | Count in times: 4x2 | |
18. | Count in times: 6x2 | |
19. | Count in times: 2x3 | |
20. | Count in times: 4x2 | |
21. | Count in times: 5x2 | |
22. | Count in times: 6x2 | |
23. | Count in times: 4x3 | |
24. | Count in times: 4x3 | |
25. | Count in times: 3x3 | |
26. | Count in times: 3x5 | |
27. | Sum it up: How many eyes on 9 cats? | |
28. | Sum it up: How many wheels on 5 cars? | |
29. | Double up: Double 8 | |
30. | Double up: Double 6 | |
31. | Double up: Double 4 | |
32. | Sum it up: put the correct number statement on the question board | |
33. | Food Times: 5 children x 3 sausages | |
34. | Sum it up: How many toes on 5 Rugby players? | |
35. | Sum it up: How many wheels on 6 bicycles? | |
36. | Sum it up: How many noses on 4 cats? | |
37. | Sum it up: How many eyes on 5 horses? | |
38. | Sum it up: How many feet on 6 goldfish? | |
39. | Times change: Click all statements correctly describing the array | |
40. | Times change: Click all statements correctly describing the array | |
41. | Times change: Click all statements correctly describing the array | |
42. | Times change: Click all statements correctly describing the array | |
43. | Times change: Click all statements correctly describing the array | |
44. | Times change: Click all statements correctly describing the array | |
45. | Times change: Click all statements correctly describing the array | |
46. | Times change: Click all statements correctly describing the array | |
47. | Times change: Click all statements correctly describing the array | |
48. | Times change: Click all statements correctly describing the array | |
49. | Sum it up: Put the correct number statement on the question board | |
50. | 12 Ducks Make 6 Groups | |
51. | 12 Ducks Make 3 Groups | |
52. | Bozo and the cupcakes: 10 is half of ? | |
53. | Bozo and the cupcakes: 8 is half of ? | |
54. | Cars dividing - 14 / 2 | |
55. | Cars dividing - 8 / 2 | |
56. | Cars dividing - 10 / 2 | |
57. | Number detectives: 80 / ? = 40 | |
58. | Number detectives: 60 / ? = 20 | |
59. | True or False: 40/4=10 | |
60. | Divide and multiply: 20 / 5 | |
61. | Divide and multiply: 60 / 6 | |
62. | Divide and Multiply | |
63. | Cards On The Table - select correct 2 cards | |
64. | Dino Dinner Divide - working backwards | |
65. | Cake Work - working backwards | |
66. | Banana Bonanza - number pattern | |
67. | Circus Times: 1 row of lions x 5 per row | |
68. | Circus Times: 2 rows of dogs x 3 per row | |
69. | Circus Times: 3 rows of monkeys x 3 per row | |
70. | Circus Times: 2 rows of clowns x 3 per row | |
71. | Bob's bottle tops: 3 rows of ? = 9 | |
72. | Beaver collects cans: 3+3 | |
73. | Bessie catches bugs: 2+2+2 | |
74. | Ben's toy soldiers: 2+2+2=? | |
75. | Chicken multiplication: 3 + 3 + 3 = ? | |
76. | Counter Times: 3 groups of ?. There are 6 altogether. | |
77. | Counter Times: 4 groups of ?. There are 8 altogether. | |
78. | Counter Times: 6 groups of ?. There are 12 altogether. | |
79. | Counter Times: 2 groups of ?. There are 12 altogether. | |
80. | Counter Times: 5 groups of ?. There are 10 altogether. | |
81. | Counter Times: 2 groups of ?. There are 10 altogether. | |
82. | Counter Times: 3 groups of ?. There are 12 altogether. | |
83. | Counter Times: 3 groups of ?. There are 9 altogether. | |
84. | Counter Times: 3 groups of ?. There are 15 altogether. | |
85. | Counter Times: 3 groups of ?. There are 18 altogether. | |
86. | Counter Times: 4 groups of ?. There are 8 altogether. | |
87. | Counter Times: 4 groups of ?. There are 12 altogether. | |
88. | Counter Times: 4 groups of ?. There are 16 altogether. | |
89. | Tropical Fruit Feast: £10 = 5 x ? | |
90. | Tropical Fruit Feast: £8 = 4 x ? | |
91. | Movie money: £18 divided among 3 girls | |
92. | Kind aunties: share £20 among 4 | |
93. | Tropical fruit feast: £5 x 4 | |
94. | Tropical fruit feast: £2 x 2 | |
95. | Tropical fruit feast: £4 x 2 | |
96. | Fractions with Fauna: 30 pence halved | |
97. | Mango Money: £3 = 3 x ? | |
98. | Melon Mania: £6 = 2 x ? | |
99. | Two equal groups of Beaver's pocket money |