Use further prefixes and suffixes and understand the guidance for adding them

1. Long, Long Ago...... Write the plural of this word: galaxy
2. One, Two... Write the plural of this word: family
3. One, Two... Write the plural of this word: fairy
4. One, Two... Write the plural of this word: city
5. One, Two, Three... - Select the correct word to match the picture
6. One, Two... Write the plural of this word: baby
7. Turn Around! - Identify the word endings that join to 'turn'. Write the new words.
8. Fair Go! - Write plurals for words ending in 'f'
9. Fair Go! - Write plurals for words ending in 'f'
10. Touch Down! - Add 'y' to a short vowel word
11. Touch Down! - Add 'y' to a short vowel word
12. Touch Down! - Add 'y' to a short vowel word
13. On the End - Add 'let' to words to make new words
14. On the End - Add 'ly' to words to make new words
15. On the End - Add 'er' to words to form new words
16. Opposite Land - Add prefixes to make opposites
17. Painful Prefixes - Choose correct prefix
18. Insufferable Suffixes - Choose correct suffix
19. Insufferable Suffixes - Choose correct suffix
20. Painful Prefixes - Choose correct prefix
21. Insufferable Suffixes - Choose correct suffix
22. Tonight, Tonight - Add prefixes
23. Tonight, Tonight - Add prefixes
24. Tonight, Tonight - Add prefixes
25. Buy Me Two A
26. Rainy Day - y ending words (1)
27. Match prefixes 2
28. Match prefixes 3
29. Match prefixes 4
30. Match prefixes 5
31. Make a Wish - Identify all the word endings for "wish" and write the words that can be made (1)
32. Fly Away - Use the rules to complete the table: fly, cry, try (1)
33. I Spy - Use the rules to complete the table: fry, dry, spy (1)
34. End Words - Add "ness" to words to make new words (1)
35. Lovely Words - Add "ly" to words to make new words (1)
36. Adding Up! - Add endings to the base word (1)
37. Adding Up! - Add endings to the base word (1)
38. Funnier Farm - Write plurals for words ending in "f" (1)
39. Funny Farm - Write plurals for words ending in "f" (1)
40. Roll out the Scrolls - Add a prefix/suffix to complete each word (1)
41. Roll out the Scrolls - Add a prefix/suffix to complete each word (1)
42. Roll out the Scrolls - Add a prefix/suffix to complete each word (1)
43. Roll out the Scrolls - Add a prefix/suffix to complete each word (1)
44. Do It By The Rules! - Write comparatives/superlatives (1)