Read accurately words of two or more syllables that contain the same graphemes as above
1. | Under the Sea - Write the missing letters: water | |
2. | Fair Square - Identify words with/without the letter group 'oun' | |
3. | Identify y end sound (Version 3*) | |
4. | Tucker Time - Spelling with medial double consonants(*) (3) | |
5. | Tucker Time - Spelling with medial double consonants(*) (2) | |
6. | Tucker Time - Spelling with medial double consonants(*) (1) | |
7. | What Am I? - Choose correct CVCC word (letters, no sound) (4) | |
8. | Identify y end sound (Version 3*) (2) | |
9. | Tucker Time - Spelling with medial double consonants(*) (6) | |
10. | Tucker Time - Spelling with medial double consonants(*) (5) | |
11. | Tucker Time - Spelling with medial double consonants(*) (4) | |
12. | What Am I? - Choose correct CVCC word (letters, no sound) (5) | |
13. | Identify y end sound (Version 3*) (3) | |
14. | What Am I? - Choose correct CVCC word (letters, no sound) (2) | |
15. | What Am I? - Choose correct CVCC word (letters, no sound) (3) -- UNFINISHED | |
16. | What Am I? - Choose correct CVCC word (letters, no sound) (1) | |
17. | Sound Match - OW (1) | |
18. | Sound Match - OW (6) | |
19. | Sound Match - OW (5) | |
20. | Sound Match - OW (4) | |
21. | Sound Match - OW (3) | |
22. | Sound Match - OW (2) | |
23. | What Am I? - Choose correct CVCC word (letters, no sound) (6) | |
24. | Squared Up! - Identify which words do/do not contain "own" (1) |