Lengths and heights [for example, long/short, longer/shorter, tall/short, double/half]

1. Match mice & cheese
2. Dog in Kennel: Largest dog, largest kennel
3. Dog in Kennel - Smallest dog, largest kennel
4. Dog in Kennel - Medium dog, largest kennel
5. Dog in Kennel: Smallest dog, middle-sized kennel
6. Dogs in Kennels
7. A Perfect Match - put dog in right sized kennel
8. A Snail's Space - less space than
9. A Snail's Space - more space than
10. A Big Appetite - which takes up the most space?
11. Clowning around - takes up the most space
12. Tidy Time - will the doll fit in the toybox?
13. It's A Dog's Life! - will the dog fit in the kennel? yes
14. A Dog's Life - will the dog fit into the kennel?
15. Rain, Rain Go Away - largest umbrella
16. Will it Fit? Snail in a truck
17. Pairing The Apples - match pairs of apples of same size/volume
18. Inside the Toy Box: Similar amount of space
19. Inside the Toy Box: Similar amount of space
20. Matchmaking: Same size
21. More or Less: Least space
22. More or Less: Most space
23. Shape Up - smallest area from 3
24. Up Size - largest area from 3
25. Sizing Up - largest area from 3
26. Sizing Up - smallest area from 3
27. Feed the Birds 2: Biggest, smallest, middle-sized
28. Hide and Seek 4 - shortest bunch of grapes
29. Hide and Seek 1: Tallest cob of corn
30. Special Delivery 3 - shortest toadstool
31. Special Delivery 5 - tall, thin toadstool
32. Feed the Birds 1: Biggest, smallest, middle-sized
33. Let's Have a Party! 1: Select tall, narrow gift from 3
34. How Tall is That Doggie...? Select tallest dog in each group
35. It Was This Big! 1 - measure with and count informal units
36. Measuring with Caterpillars 2 - informal units, thinner
37. Measuring with Caterpillars 1 - informal units, widest
38. Tricky Business 2 - select shorter of 2 objects, informal units
39. Tricky Business 1 - select taller object, informal units
40. Short Order 2 - select shortest bird
41. Country Life - informal units, taller or shorter
42. The Box Office 1 - tall, wide
43. The Toy Factory - select 2 the same height
44. Clowning Around - select 2 the same height
45. How Tall is That Doggie...? Select shortest dog in each group
46. What Did You Have For Lunch Today? - short, fat
47. What Did You Have For Lunch Today? - tall, thin
48. The Strawberry Patch - longest strawberry
49. Hide and Seek 5: Widest bunch and longest bunch
50. An Apple A Day - longest grub
51. A Sizeable Difference - short and tall
52. Oranges and Lemons: Click the tallest glass
53. Oranges and Lemons: Click the shortest glass