Drawing inferences such as inferring characters' feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions, and justifying inferences with evidence
1. | Up She Goes - Read for meaning | |
2. | Pets - Read tenses for meaning | |
3. | Sweet tense - Read tenses for meaning | |
4. | A Tense Tree Lover - Read tenses for meaning | |
5. | Comma Code! - Using commas | |
6. | Through The Trapdoor: Sydney 3 - Comprehension | |
7. | Wormy the Caterpillar - Understanding Imagery in Poetry | |
8. | How to Play - SNAP! - Interpret instructions/procedure 45.02.13 FOR MARY | |
9. | Descriptions: Trapdoor | |
10. | Comprehension- SNAP! (1) | |
11. | Through The Trapdoor: Sydney 2 - Comprehension | |
12. | Description Subject (2) | |
13. | Road Haiku 2 | |
14. | Baker Poem 1 (5) | |
15. | Baker Poem 1 (3) | |
16. | Pied Piper Poem 1 (4) | |
17. | Mississippi Poem 1 (6) | |
18. | April Poem 1 (2) | |
19. | Garish Eye Poem 1 (3) | |
20. | Jungle Poem 1 (2) | |
21. | Jumblies Poem 1 (4) | |
22. | Jumblies Poem 1 (2) | |
23. | Bedtime Poem 1 (3) | |
24. | Postman Poem 1 (5) | |
25. | Postman Poem 1 (4) | |
26. | Hiawatha Poem (6) | |
27. | Man and Superman Comprehension | |
28. | Man and Superman Comprehension | |
29. | James the Tiger Handler A | |
30. | Snowy River Poem (9) | |
31. | James the Tiger Handler A (1) | |
32. | Sam's Weekend - Read for meaning (1) | |
33. | Computers - Read for meaning (1) | |
34. | Zoe's Weekend - Read tenses for meaning (1) |