Measure and calculate the perimeter of composite rectilinear shapes in centimetres and metres

1. On Edge 2 - perimeter of parallelogram given 2 sides; cm
2. Compounding The Issue 1 - perimeter of compound shape, rectangles
3. Compounding The Issue 2 - perimeter of compound shape, rectangles
4. Room To Move - perimeter problem using areas; m
5. Flower Power - perimeter problem; m
6. Picture It 1 - perimeter problem; cm
7. In The Frame - perimeter problem
8. Round and Round the Garden... 2 - perimeter problem using area
9. Vent Out Volley! - calculate perimeter of rectangle given side lengths
10. Tri-time! 2 - select correct expression for perimeter of given equilateral triangle
11. Picture It 2 - length problem; dimensions of rectangle; cm