Read, write, order and compare numbers to at least 1 000 000 and determine the value of each digit

1. Here are the words....Where's the number?
2. Here are the words....Where's the number?
3. Here are the words....Where's the number?
4. What's That Number?: 6350 3650 3560
5. What's That Number?: 4720 7420 7240
6. What's That Number?
7. What's That Number?: 2112 2212 1212
8. What's That Number?: 5115 5515 1515
9. Name that Number!: 9009
10. Name That Number!: 1300
11. Name That Number!: 7080
12. Name That Number! 5500
13. Name That Number! 2004
14. Name That Number!: 6900
15. Here's the number: 2408 4282 8242
16. Here's the number: 8102 1802 2108
17. Here's the number: 7503 5037 3075
18. Here are the words....Where's the number?
19. Here are the words....Where's the number?
20. Here are the words....Where's the number?
21. Here are the words....Where's the number?
22. Here are the words: 5461 4561 6451 6541
23. What's That Number?
24. What's That Number?
25. What's That Number?
26. What's That Number?
27. Here's the number: 3033 3333 3303 3003
28. Here's the number: 4066 6046 6406 6066
29. Here's the number: 7011 7111 7211 1107
30. Here's the number: 6868 6668 6886 8666
31. Here's the number: 2050 2500 5050 5500
32. Fill the Gaps - thousands, hundreds, tens, ones: 8147
33. Know Your Place - Value of 5 in 56 281
34. Know Your Place - Value of 5 in 97 513
35. Know Your Place - Value of 1 in 12 648
36. Know Your Place - Value of 9 in 53 928
37. Know Your Place - Value of 9 in 23 196
38. Fill the Gaps - thousands, hundreds, tens, ones: 32 564
39. Place Value Quiz: 73 904
40. Place Value Quiz: 26 158
41. Place Value Quiz: 45 681
42. Place Value Quiz: 89 462
43. Place Value Quiz: 64 329
44. Here are the words...Where's the number?
45. Here are the words: 5831 5381 8351 8531
46. Here are the words: 4968, 9468, 9486, 9864
47. Here are the words: 3847 8347 8374 3478
48. Here are the words: 7639, 6739, 6793, 6973
49. What's That Number?
50. What's That Number?
51. Here's the number....Where are the words?
52. Here's the number: 8335, 3335, 8535, 8885
53. Here's the number: 1967 1697 1769 7967
54. Here's the number: 3624, 3462, 3642, 6462
55. Here's the number: 5382 5832 3582 8532
56. Name That Number! 20 500
57. Name That Number! 70 002
58. Name That Number! 40 090
59. Make A Number!
60. Make A Number!
61. Make A Number!
62. Make A Number!
63. Order! Order!: 5-digit Smallest number first
64. Order! Order!: 5-digit Largest number first
65. Order! Order!: 5-digit Smallest number first
66. Order! Order!: 5-digit Largest number first
67. Order! Order!: 5-digit Largest number first
68. What's That Number?
69. What's That Number?
70. What's That Number?
71. What's That Number?
72. What's That Number?
73. What's That Number?
74. What's That Number?
75. What's That Number?
76. What's That Number?
77. What's That Number?
78. Order! Order! 5-digit, descending order
79. Order! Order! 5-digit, ascending order
80. Size Wise: Smallest possible number with 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0
81. Size Wise: Largest possible number with 4, 6, 5, 1, 7
82. Here are the words... Where's the number?
83. Here are the words... Where's the number?
84. Here are the words... Where's the number?
85. Here are the words... Where's the number?
86. Here are the words... Where's the number?
87. Know Your Place: Value of 9 in 125 369
88. Know Your Place: Value of 9 in 598 759
89. Know Your Place: Value of 9 in 579 853
90. Know Your Place: Value of 9 in 654 967
91. Know Your Place: Value of 9 in 128 794
92. Here are the words........where's the number?
93. Here are the words........where's the number?
94. Here are the words........where's the number?
95. Here are the words........where's the number?
96. Here are the words........where's the number?
97. What's That Number?
98. What's That Number?
99. What's That Number?
100. What's That Number?
101. What's That Number?
102. Here's the number: 82 265 28 265 28 565
103. Here's the number: 13 698 13 968 13 896
104. Here's the number: 39 879 39 789 39 987
105. Here's the number: 65 478 59 471 63 698
106. Here's the number: 96 586 69 586 96 856
107. Order! Order! 5-digit: Largest number first
108. Order! Order! 5-digit: Largest number first
109. Order! Order! 5-digit: Smallest number first
110. Order! Order! 5-digit: Smallest number first
111. Order! Order! 5-digit: Largest number first
112. Write the number: Write the correct numbers to match the words
113. Here are the words.......where's the number?
114. Here are the words.......where's the number?
115. Here are the words.......where's the number?
116. Here are the words.......where's the number?
117. Here are the words.......where's the number?
118. Here's the number: 12 359 12 539 12 953
119. Here's the number: 36 589 63 589 36 958
120. Here's the number: 24 468 42 468 42 688
121. Here's the number: 57 891 75 891 57 981
122. Here's the number: 31 269 31 692 31 962
123. Size-Wise: Largest possible number
124. Here are the words...Where's the number?
125. Here are the words...Where's the number?
126. Here are the words...Where's the number?
127. Here are the words...Where's the number?
128. Here's the number: 125 369 125 969 125 699
129. Order! Order! 6-digit Smallest number first
130. Order! Order! 6-digit Largest number first
131. Order! Order! 6-digit Largest number first
132. Order! Order! 6-digit Smallest number first
133. Order! Order! 6-digit Smallest number first
134. What's That Number?
135. What's That Number?
136. Order! Order! 5- and 6-digit - Largest number first
137. Fill the Gaps: 1000s, 100s, 10s, 1s, 10ths
138. Here's the number: 8778 8877 8787
139. Here's the number: 5466 5264 4562
140. Here's the number: 2382 2830 32880
141. Here are the words....Where's the number?
142. Here are the words....Where's the number?
143. Here are the words....Where's the number?
144. Here are the words....Where's the number?
145. Here are the words....Where's the number?
146. Here are the words....Where's the number?
147. Here are the words....Where's the number?
148. Here are the words....Where's the number?
149. Here are the words....Where's the number?
150. Here are the words....Where's the number?
151. Here are the words....Where's the number?
152. Here are the words....Where's the number?
153. Order! Order! 5-digit, ascending order
154. Order! Order! 5-digit, descending order
155. Order! Order! 5-digit, descending order
156. Order! Order! 5-digit, descending order
157. Order! Order! 5-digit, descending order
158. Order! Order! 5-digit, ascending order
159. Numbers Up: 10 452
160. Numbers Up: 18 625
161. Numbers Up: 20 101
162. Numbers Up: 89 134
163. Numbers Up: 43 620
164. Numbers Up: 79 088
165. Numbers Up: 54 261
166. Numbers Up: 79 180
167. Numbers Up: 347 451
168. Numbers Up: 409 518
169. Numbers Up: 540 687
170. Numbers Up: 258 369
171. Numbers Up: 237 221
172. Numbers Up: 126 310
173. Numbers Up: 12 065
174. Numbers Up: 48 046
175. Numbers Up: 128 435
176. Numbers Up: 546 313
177. Numbers Up: 583 967
178. Numbers Up: 258 725
179. Numbers Up: 351 557
180. Numbers Up: 32 605
181. Numbers Up: 357 100
182. Numbers Up: 412 340
183. Numbers Up: 18 426
184. Numbers Up: 143 137
185. Numbers Up: 706 589
186. Numbers Up: 799 313
187. Numbers Up: 284 360
188. Numbers Up: 426 820
189. Numbers Up: 761 058