Revision of Reception Work
All letters of the alphabet and the sounds which they most commonly represent
Play Activities 151Examples
Consonant digraphs which have been taught and the sounds which they represent
The process of segmenting spoken words into sounds before choosing graphemes to represent the sounds
The sounds /f/, /l/, /s/, /z/ and /k/ spelt ff, ll, ss, zz and ck
The /f/, /l/, /s/, /z/ and /k/ sounds are usually spelt as ff, ll, ss, zz and ck if they come straight after a single vowel letter in short words. Exceptions: if, pal, us, bus, yes. Example words: off, well, miss, buzz, backExamples
Adding s and es to words (plural of nouns and the third person singular of verbs)
If the ending sounds like /s/ or /z/, it is spelt as -s. If the ending sounds like /ɪz/ and forms an extra syllable or 'beat' in the word, it is spelt as -es. Example words: cats, dogs, spends, rocks, thanks, catchesExamples
Adding -er and -est to adjectives where no change is needed to the root word
As with verbs (see above), if the adjective ends in two consonant letters (the same or different), the ending is simply added on. Example words: grander, grandest, fresher, freshest, quicker, quickestExamples
All letters of the alphabet and the sounds which they most commonly represent
Vowel Digraphs & Trigraphs
Ai, oi
The digraphs ai and oi are virtually never used at the end of English words. Example words: rain, wait, train, paid, afraid, oil, join, coin, point, soilExamples
Ay, oy
Ay and oy are used for those sounds at the end of words and at the end of syllables. Example words: day, play, say, way, stay, boy, toy, enjoy, annoyExamples
Example words: made, came, same, take, safeExamples
Example words: five, ride, like, time, sideExamples
Example words: home, those, woke, hope, holeExamples
Example words: see, tree, green, meet, weekExamples
Ea (/i:/)
Example words: sea, dream, meat, each, read (present tense)Examples
Er (/ə/)
Example words: (unstressed schwa sound): better, under, summer, winter, sisterExamples
Oo (/u:/)
Very few words end with the letters oo, although the few that do are often words that primary children in year 1 will encounter, for example, zoo. Example words: food, pool, moon, zoo, soonExamples
Oo (/ʊ/)
Example words: book, took, foot, wood, goodExamples
The digraph oa is very rare at the end of an English word. Example words: boat, coat, road, coach, goalExamples
The only common English word ending in ou is you. Example words: out, about, mouth, around, soundExamples
Ow (/aʊ/), ow (/əʊ/), ue, ew
Both the /u:/ and /ju:/ ('oo' and 'yoo') sounds can be spelt as u-e, ue and ew. If words end in the /oo/ sound, ue and ew are more common spellings than oo. Example words: now, how, brown, down, town, own, blow, snow, grow, show, blue, clue, true, rescue, Tuesday, new, few, grew, flew, drew, threwExamples
Example words: air, fair, pair, hair, chairExamples
Example words: dear, hear, beard, near, yearExamples
Words ending -y (/i:/ or /ɪ/)
Example words: very, happy, funny, party, familyExamples
New consonant spellings ph and wh
The /f/ sound is not usually spelt as ph in short everyday words (e.g. fat, fill, fun). Example words: dolphin, alphabet, phonics, elephant, when, where, which, wheel, whileExamples
Compound words
Compound words are two words joined together. Each part of the longer word is spelt as it would be if it were on its own. Example words: football, playground, farmyard, bedroom, blackberryExamples
Ai, oi