Derive and illustrate properties of triangles, quadrilaterals, circles, and other plane figures [for example, equal lengths and angles] using appropriate language and technologies
1. | Shapes, Anyone? - area of circle in a square | |
2. | Triangularea- area of triangle in circle | |
3. | No Sphere - surface area of a sphere | |
4. | Circular Logic 9 - chords of the same length | |
5. | Circular Logic 8 - perpendicular to chord through centre | |
6. | Circular Logic 7 - radius perpendicular to chord | |
7. | Circular Logic 6 - radius through the midpoint of a chord | |
8. | Circular Logic 4 - identify correct circle geometry theorem | |
9. | Circular Logic 3 - angle at circumference of circle | |
10. | Circular Logic 2 - angle in a semicircle | |
11. | Circular Logic 1 - identify correct circle geometry theorem | |
12. | Around in Circles 12 - circle geometry | |
13. | Around in Circles 7 - circle geometry | |
14. | Around in Circles 6 - circle geometry | |
15. | Around in Circles 5 - circle geometry | |
16. | Around in Circles 4 - circle geometry | |
17. | Around in Circles 3 - circle geometry | |
18. | Around in Circles 2 - circle geometry | |
19. | Around in Circles 1 - circle geometry | |
20. | Another Dimension 3 - name cube from description | |
21. | Duck Dimensional Diversions 7 - polygons and polyhedra, true or false | |
22. | Swiss Formula 5 - relationship between vertices, edges and faces | |
23. | Careful Categorising 2 - cone/polyhedron | |
24. | 3D Dreams 2 - faces and vertices of a cube | |
25. | Making The Cut - truncating a cube | |
26. | 3D Dreams 1 - faces and vertices of a cube | |
27. | DJ Icosidodecahedron - faces of Archimedean solids | |
28. | DJ Truncated Octahedron - faces of Archimedean solids | |
29. | DJ Great Rhombicosidodecahedron - faces of Archimedean solids | |
30. | DJ Snub Dodecahedron- faces of Archimedean solids | |
31. | DJ Lesser Rhombicosidodecahedron - faces of Archimedean solids | |
32. | Cubin' Cubes 6 - corner unit cubes in larger cube | |
33. | Cubin' Cubes 5 - centre edge unit cubes in larger cube | |
34. | Cubin' Cubes 4 - unpainted unit cubes in larger cube | |
35. | Cubin' Cubes 3 - unpainted centre face unit cubes in larger cube | |
36. | Cubin' Cubes 2 - number of painted faces on unit cubes making larger cube |