Checking that the book makes sense to them, discussing their understanding and exploring the meaning of words in context
1. | What's The Meaning Of This? - Match word/meaning | |
2. | What's The Meaning Of This? - Match word/meaning | |
3. | What's The Meaning Of This? - Match word/meaning | |
4. | What's The Meaning Of This? - Match word/meaning | |
5. | What's The Meaning Of This? - Match word/meaning | |
6. | Gleaning The Meaning - Match word/definition | |
7. | Gleaning The Meaning - Match word/definition | |
8. | Gleaning The Meaning - Match word/definition | |
9. | Gleaning The Meaning - Match word/definition | |
10. | Which Word? - Word meaning 'to go before' | |
11. | Which Word? - Synonym for 'sorry' | |
12. | Not Litter-ally! | |
13. | Buy Me Two A | |
14. | Sick Of It - Interpreting a prescription | |
15. | Sailing, Sailing - Information report | |
16. | Procedure (2) | |
17. | Procedure (4) | |
18. | Reword the step (1) | |
19. | Reword the step (2) | |
20. | Reword the step (3) | |
21. | Procedures | |
22. | Procedures (1) | |
23. | Procedures (2) | |
24. | Procedures (3) | |
25. | Procedures (4) | |
26. | Reading Comprehension (1) 47.01.6 | |
27. | Lie A-Bed Poem 1 (4) | |
28. | Snowy River Poem (1) | |
29. | She Walks Poem (1) | |
30. | April Poem 1 (1) | |
31. | Platypus Poem 1 (1) | |
32. | Platypus Poem 1 (3) | |
33. | Baker Poem 1 (4) | |
34. | Door Poem 1 (4) | |
35. | Pied Piper Poem 1 (3) | |
36. | Pied Piper Poem 1 (2) | |
37. | Jabberwocky Poem 1 (4) | |
38. | Dissembling Words Poem 1 (3) | |
39. | Yak Poem 1 (3) | |
40. | Garish Eye Poem 1 (2) | |
41. | Eletelephony Poem 1 (3) | |
42. | Sea Fever Poem 1 (4) 47.01.6 | |
43. | At The Zoo - Poetry comprehension (1) | |
44. | Jungle Poem 1 (4) | |
45. | Jungle Poem 1 (3) | |
46. | Goops Poem (4) | |
47. | Snowy River Poem (3) | |
48. | Snowy River Poem (9) | |
49. | Snowy River Poem (8) | |
50. | Snowy River Poem (6) | |
51. | Description and comprehension | |
52. | Description and comprehension | |
53. | James Builds His Vocabulary - Match word/definition (2) |