Compare and sort common 2-D and 3-D shapes and everyday objects
1. | Families - Buildings | |
2. | Odd one out: Select the odd one out | |
3. | Families - Things that are alive | |
4. | Odd one out: Select the odd one out | |
5. | Your Move! 3 + 3 = ? | |
6. | Sorting Boxes - triangles and rectangles | |
7. | Sorting Boxes - circles and rectangles | |
8. | Sorting Boxes - triangles and squares | |
9. | Which one is different? Select objects that fly | |
10. | Match shades of objects and boxes | |
11. | Sorting boxes - circles, triangles and rectangles | |
12. | Sorting Box - not triangles | |
13. | A Perfect Match - best container for packing block | |
14. | A Perfect Match - select object to fit in box | |
15. | Tidy Time - will the snake fit in the toybox? | |
16. | Inside the Toy Box - a similar amount of space | |
17. | Will it Fit? - comparing volumes | |
18. | Puzzling Pieces - area/shape match | |
19. | Let's Have a Party! 2: Select correctly sized boxes for 3 gifts | |
20. | Puzzling Up - match shape to blank space in template | |
21. | Puzzling Up - match shape to blank space in template | |
22. | Puzzling Pieces: Match shapes to template | |
23. | Shaping A Family - sort quadrilaterals | |
24. | Shaping A Family - sort quadrilaterals | |
25. | Box It Up 3 - select correctly shaped box for given lid | |
26. | Box It Up 2 - select correctly shaped box for given lid | |
27. | Box It Up 1 - select correctly shaped box for given lid | |
28. | Put A Lid On It 3 - select correctly shaped lid for given box | |
29. | Put A Lid On It 2 - select correctly shaped lid for given box | |
30. | Put A Lid On It 1 - select correctly shaped lid for given box | |
31. | Shape Match - select object the same shape as given figure | |
32. | Finn's Feast of Fries: Same shape, different size | |
33. | Beetle Brigade - same shape, different size | |
34. | Hare Hutch - same shape, different size | |
35. | Teddy Chest - same shape, different size | |
36. | Similar 3D Shapes 4 - select similar rectangular prism | |
37. | Similar 3D Shapes 3 - select similar cube | |
38. | Similar 3D Shapes 2 - select similar rectangular prism | |
39. | Similar 3D Shapes 1 - select objects with cylinders | |
40. | Sorting Shapes 3 - sort by type of edges (curved or straight) | |
41. | Sorting Shapes 2 - sort by number of corners (0, 2, 3 and 4+) | |
42. | Sorting Shapes 1 - sort by number of edges (1-3 and 4+) | |
43. | Beach Combing: Sort and count | |
44. | Mad as a Hatter? Grouping | |
45. | Some Do, Some Don't - sort and count | |
46. | Tidy Up Time 4 - sort and count | |
47. | Tidy Up Time 3 - sort and count | |
48. | Tidy Up Time 2 - sort and count | |
49. | Tidy Up Time 1 - sort and count | |
50. | Picnic Preparations: Sort and count, 3 groups | |
51. | Bugs in Arnie's Garden: Sort and count, 3 groups | |
52. | Let's Have a Party - sort and count, 3 groups | |
53. | Head in the Clouds: Grouping | |
54. | Obedience School - grouping | |
55. | Restaurant Rex - sort and count | |
56. | Sort - Keepin' It Wheel | |
57. | Staying Alive - grouping | |
58. | Say Cheese - sort and count | |
59. | Odd one out: Select the odd one out | |
60. | Odd one out: Select the odd one out | |
61. | Odd one out: Select the odd one out | |
62. | Odd one out: Select the odd one out | |
63. | Odd one out: Select the odd one out | |
64. | Odd one out: Select the odd one out | |
65. | Families - Animals | |
66. | Sort - Flea Fly Mosquito | |
67. | Match colour of objects and box | |
68. | Match colour of objects and box | |
69. | Match colour of objects and box |