Calculate, estimate and compare volume of cubes and cuboids using standard units, including cubic centimetres (cm3) and cubic metres (m3), and extending to other units [for example, mm3 and km3]

1. Top It Up - calculate capacity from given dimensions
2. Betty's Bricks - calculate volume of 1 brick in cubic cm and 1 pallet of bricks in cubic m
3. Cartons of Fun - complete dimensions to create containers with volume of 6L
4. Cartons of Fun - complete dimensions to create containers with volume of 3L
5. Cartons of Fun - complete dimensions to create containers with volume of 1L
6. Uncle Max's Organic Orange Juice - calculate capacity in L given dimensions of carton
7. Uncle Max's Organic Orange Juice - calculate capacity in L given dimensions of carton
8. Uncle Max's Organic Orange Juice - calculate capacity in L given dimensions of carton
9. Uncle Max's Organic Orange Juice - calculate volume given dimensions of carton
10. Uncle Max's Organic Orange Juice - calculate volume given dimensions of carton
11. Prismatic Problems - volume of rectangular prism & convert to cu. m