Solve problems involving unequal sharing and grouping using knowledge of fractions and multiples
1. | Phoebe Figures Fractions 3/4 of 88 | |
2. | Ballgame figures: 4:5 so ?:25 | |
3. | Lavender's Blue: Investigate proportional relationships | |
4. | Scaling Snakes: Investigate proportional relationships | |
5. | Honey, Honey: Investigate proportional relationships | |
6. | Grub Might: Investigate proportional relationships | |
7. | Brown Out: Investigate proportional relationships | |
8. | Choc Free Zone: Investigate proportional relationships | |
9. | Lemonade to scale: Investigate proportional relationships | |
10. | Kringle family Christmas: Investigate proportional relationships | |
11. | Roofs to Scale: Investigate proportional relationships | |
12. | Weighing to scale: Investigate proportional realtionships | |
13. | Marking time: Investigate proportional relationships | |
14. | Counting Sheep: Investigate proportional relationships | |
15. | Fishy scales: Investigate proportional relationships | |
16. | Film figures: Investigate proportional relationships | |
17. | Busted buses: Investigate proportional relationships | |
18. | Pining for a tree: Investigate proportional relationals | |
19. | Nonna's tiles 1:2 = one third | |
20. | Colour Scale: Correctly describe a proportional relationship | |
21. | Tiles to Scale: Calculate numbers in proportional relationships | |
22. | Jodie's bathroom 2:6 T,F | |
23. | Cereal skills: Determine proportions from given quantities | |
24. | Flavour Facts: Calculate proportion from a ratio | |
25. | Strawberry Shares: Divide a number in a given ratio | |
26. | Male Scale: Calculate a number in a given ratio | |
27. | Scale of temptation: Calculate numbers in a given ratio | |
28. | Scale Of Temptation: Calculate numbers in a given proportion | |
29. | Skip To The Scale: Calculate numbers according to a given ratio | |
30. | Saving The Dough: Calculate a number in a given ratio | |
31. | National proportions: What proportion of the Volcania national flag is blue? | |
32. | National Proportions: What proportion of the Volcania national flag is white? | |
33. | Juicy Information: 200:1 so ?:1.5 | |
34. | Team Talk: Divide a number in a given ratio | |
35. | Working class: Identify higher of two proportions | |
36. | Working class: Identify lower of two proportions | |
37. | Viewer votes: Lowest proportion of viewers | |
38. | Scraps and Sprays: relative proportions | |
39. | Air force: Determine relative proportions | |
40. | Bat like Matt: Calculate ratio of runs scored to balls faced | |
41. | Justin Time: Calculate batting ratios | |
42. | Got it pegged?: Fractions from ratios | |
43. | Got it pegged?: Fractions from ratios | |
44. | Talk counts: Dividing according to a ratio | |
45. | See Matt bat!: Determine better batting average | |
46. | Relative runs: Calculate higher strike rate | |
47. | Bean-speak!: Calculate relative proportions of red jelly beans | |
48. | Rating cats and dogs: Identify higher proportion | |
49. | Under the umbrella: Click the lower proportion | |
50. | Weekend Work: Click the lower of two proportions | |
51. | People preferences: Click the higher proportion | |
52. | Stacking the books: Click the higher proportion | |
53. | Sitting on the fence: Click the lower proportion | |
54. | Hi ho! Hi ho!: Write one measurement as a fraction of another | |
55. | Make your point: Write one part as a proportion of the whole | |
56. | A policeman's lot: Write a number as a proportion of another number | |
57. | Purple people proportions: Write one part as a proportion of a whole | |
58. | Blue bloc: Write one part as a proportion of a whole | |
59. | Pass the rice, please!: Write two numbers in ratio form | |
60. | Count those beans: Determine which is a higher proportion | |
61. | Caramel countdown: Determine which is a higher proportion | |
62. | Law order: Determine which of two proportions is the higher | |
63. | Drop to the shop: Determine which is the larger proportion | |
64. | A fishy tale: Determine which is the larger proportion | |
65. | Sharing the profits: 300 x 25p in pounds | |
66. | Maija's saving: express a ratio as a fraction |