Round decimals with two decimal places to the nearest whole number and to one decimal place

1. Round to the nearest whole number: 25.61 39.42 96.91
2. Round to the nearest whole number: 58.61 46.53 93.71
3. Round to the nearest whole number: 95.11 42.34 64.24
4. Round to the nearest whole number: 32.11 93.72 55.53
5. Round to the nearest whole number: 65.95 45.76 63.77
6. Round to nearest tenth: 120.45 351.93 86.88
7. Round to nearest tenth: 576.82 455.55 4 333.77
8. Round to nearest whole number: 879.46 4500.8 1080.52
9. Round to nearest whole number: 253.92 658.91 127.94
10. Round to nearest whole number: 32.65 153.98 1027.01
11. Round to nearest whole number: 42.69 97.86 64.15
12. Round to nearest 10 000: 5343.77 4 5090.9 89 900.1
13. Round About 2 - rounding to nearest 10cm and m
14. Round and round we go: Round 2dp to a whole number
15. See You Round Like a Decimal: Nearest whole number: 87.65
16. See You Round Like a Decimal: Nearest whole number: 27.98
17. See You Round Like a Decimal: Nearest whole number: 211.38
18. Round and round we go: Round 2dp to a whole number
19. Round and round we go: Round 2dp to a whole number
20. Round and round we go: Round 2dp to a whole number
21. Round and round we go: Round 2dp to a whole number