Identify and describe the properties of 2-D shapes, including the number of sides and line symmetry in a vertical line
1. | Thinking It Over... - select untrue statement | |
2. | Thinking It Over... - select true statement | |
3. | Soaring Shapes - identify shape from clues | |
4. | Tiled Together 3 - count edges on shape | |
5. | Tiled Together 2 - count edges on shape | |
6. | Tiled Together 1 - count edges on shape | |
7. | Simply Smaller Shapes 4 - make a different shape from 2 triangles | |
8. | Simply Smaller Shapes 3 - make a different shape from 2 triangles | |
9. | Simply Smaller Shapes 2 - make 3 different shapes from 2 triangles | |
10. | Simply Smaller Shapes 1 - make 3 different shapes from 2 triangles | |
11. | Shape Sketching - select shapes with only 4 sides | |
12. | You Are My Dancing Shape - select shapes with only curved edges | |
13. | Green House - identify octagon from clues | |
14. | All Shaped Up - identify circle from clues | |
15. | Freezing Forms - identify shape from clues | |
16. | Veggie Shapes - identify shape from clues | |
17. | A Puzzling Piece - identify shape from clues | |
18. | Butterfly Wings - select all shapes with at least 1 line of symmetry | |
19. | On The Edge - select all shapes with more than 1 edge | |
20. | Four Corners - select all shapes with 4 corners | |
21. | What Am I? 1 - identify a shape from clues | |
22. | Face Up To It 1: Identify shape of face | |
23. | Simply Smaller Shapes 5 - make different shapes from 2 triangles | |
24. | The Polygon Puzzle 4 - count polygons in picture | |
25. | The Polygon Puzzle 3 - count polygons in picture | |
26. | The Polygon Puzzle 2 - count polygons in picture | |
27. | The Polygon Puzzle 1 - count polygons in picture |