Use, read, write and convert between standard units, converting measurements of length, mass, volume and time from a smaller unit of measure to a larger unit, and vice versa, using decimal notation to up to three decimal places
1. | By Jupiter!: Write 1.1094 x 10[10] metres as a distance in kilometres | |
2. | Al's Number Repairs - Select correct equation to convert a measurement in litres to millilitres | |
3. | Al's Number Repairs - Select correct equation to convert a measurement in centimetres to metres | |
4. | It's A Dog's Life 3 - sevenths of a year, "dog years" vs "human years" | |
5. | Wait a Moment 1 - medieval time units, points and moments | |
6. | The Traditions of Time 1 - quadrennium, quinquennium and octennium | |
7. | It's A Dog's Life 2 - sevenths of a year, "dog years" vs "human years" | |
8. | It's A Dog's Life 1 - sevenths of a year, "dog years" vs "human years" | |
9. | Every Second Counts 2 -seconds in one and a half years | |
10. | The Way Things Used To Be 1 - Hebrew time units, heleks | |
11. | Wait a Moment 3 - medieval time units, ounces and moments | |
12. | Wait a Moment 2 - medieval time units, ounces and moments | |
13. | Lunar Ticks 3 - lunar months and years | |
14. | The Traditions of Time 3 - quadrennium, quinquennium and octennium | |
15. | The Way Things Used To Be 2 - Hebrew time units, heleks | |
16. | Wait a Moment 5 - medieval time units, ounces and moments | |
17. | Wait a Moment 4 - medieval time units, ounces and moments | |
18. | The Great Paschal Period - solar and lunar cycles | |
19. | Lunar Ticks 8 - Metoni, Callipic and Hipparchic cycles | |
20. | Go Take A Leap 3 - days in 97 leap years | |
21. | Lunar Ticks 7 - lunar months, years and octennium | |
22. | Lunar Ticks 5 - lunar months and years | |
23. | In The Blink Of An Eye 2 - metric time; metric hours, beats and blinks | |
24. | In The Blink Of An Eye 1 - metric time; metric hours, beats and blinks | |
25. | A Thousand Kilos of Laughs - conversions between units; cubic cm, mL and L | |
26. | A Thousand Kilos of Laughs - conversions between units; cubic cm, cubic m, L and kL | |
27. | A Thousand Kilos of Laughs - conversions between cubic mm and cubic cm | |
28. | A Thousand Kilos of Laughs - conversions between units; cubic cm, mL, L | |
29. | A Thousand Kilos of Laughs - conversions between units; cubic cm, cubic m, L and kL | |
30. | A Thousand Kilos of Laughs - conversions between cubic mm and cubic cm | |
31. | Roger's Rapid Reckoning - kL in 14500L | |
32. | Roger's Rapid Reckoning - L in 1250 cubic cm | |
33. | Roger's Rapid Reckoning - L in 23kL | |
34. | Roger's Rapid Reckoning - converting kL to L | |
35. | Roger's Rapid Reckoning - converting cubic cm to mL | |
36. | Roger's Rapid Reckoning - converting L to kL | |
37. | Damming Evidence - converting L/min to kL/hour | |
38. | Starea - equivalent to 1 square km | |
39. | Gluttonous Grasshoppers - 1 000 000 square m as hectares | |
40. | Gluttonous Grasshoppers - 5 000 000 square m as square km | |
41. | Crop Crisis - area in hectares, dimensions in m | |
42. | Greener Pastures - difference between 1 hectare and 10 000 square m | |
43. | Greener Pastures - equivalent to 1 hectare | |
44. | The Bug Space - equivalent to 100 square mm | |
45. | The Bird Cage - equivalent to 2.4 square m | |
46. | Green Hectares - equivalent to 230 000 square m | |
47. | A Conversions Experience - from square mm to square cm, 1 decimal place | |
48. | Green Hectares - 17 450 000 square m in hectares | |
49. | Green Hectares - equivalent to 23 000 square m | |
50. | A Measure Of Confusion 1 - approximate number of objects fit in a given length; km; decimals | |
51. | Micro Measuring - microns from m to cm | |
52. | Rule The World 20 - cm to mcm | |
53. | Rule The World 19 - m to mcm | |
54. | Rule The World 18 - nm to cm | |
55. | Rule The World 17 - mm to nm | |
56. | Rule The World 16 - mcm to mm | |
57. | Mass Composition - conversion from g to kg, total mass of multiples | |
58. | Mass Composition - conversion from g to kg, total mass of multiples | |
59. | A Scaly Problem - read mass in g from scale | |
60. | A Scaly Problem - read mass in kg from scale, round to nearest 10kg | |
61. | A Scaly Problem - read mass in kg from scale | |
62. | Al's Mass Mechanics - subtracting masses, kg and g, 3 decimal places | |
63. | Al's Mass Mechanics - subtracting masses, kg and g, 3 decimal places |