Compare and sequence intervals of time
1. | Timing Is Everything 2 - select events with approx 1 week duration | |
2. | Time's Up! 3 - select appropriate unit for duration of event | |
3. | Timing Is Everything 1 - select events with approx 5 min duration | |
4. | School Daze - select appropriate unit for measuring duration of school day | |
5. | Corny on the Cob - estimate duration | |
6. | Let Them Eat Cake - estimate duration | |
7. | Changing Times 2 - estimate duration | |
8. | Changing Times 1 - estimate duration | |
9. | How Many? 4 - hours in a day | |
10. | Tea Time - select best approximate of duration | |
11. | Egg Timer - select appropriate unit for duration of event | |
12. | Changing Times 3 - duration, analogue time |