Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning and begin to analyse texts by drawing on growing knowledge of context, language and visual features and print and multimodal text structures (ACELY1660, ACELY1670)
1. | Framed! - Put the correct word beside each word frame | |
2. | Framed! - Put the correct word beside each word frame | |
3. | Framed! - Put the correct word beside each word frame | |
4. | Framed! - Put the correct word beside each word frame | |
5. | Framed! - Put the correct word beside each word frame | |
6. | Framed! - Put the correct word beside each word frame | |
7. | Which shape? - Use shapes to make the word pattern: fry | |
8. | Which shape? - Use shapes to make the word pattern: bend | |
9. | Which shape? - Use shapes to make the word pattern: toe | |
10. | Which shape? - Use shapes to make the word pattern: flip | |
11. | Which shape? - Use shapes to make the word pattern: stop | |
12. | Which shape? - Use shapes to make the word pattern: glue | |
13. | Which shape? - Use shapes to make the word pattern: hill | |
14. | Which shape? - Use shapes to make the word pattern: spy | |
15. | Which shape? - Use shapes to make the word pattern: girl | |
16. | Which shape? - Use shapes to make the word pattern: pup | |
17. | Which shape? - Use shapes to make the word pattern: deep | |
18. | Framed! - Put the correct word beside each word frame | |
19. | Framed! - Put the correct word beside each word frame | |
20. | Which shape? - Use shapes to make the word pattern: dip | |
21. | Which shape? - Use shapes to make the word pattern: play | |
22. | Which shape? - Use shapes to make the word pattern: dog | |
23. | Which shape? - Use shapes to make the word pattern: low | |
24. | Which shape? - Use shapes to make the word pattern: win | |
25. | Which shape? - Use shapes to make the word pattern: why | |
26. | Which shape? - Use shapes to make the word pattern: ugly | |
27. | Which shape? - Make the shape pattern to match this word: kept | |
28. | Which Shape? - Use shapes to make word patterns | |
29. | Which Shape? - Use shapes to make word patterns | |
30. | Which Shape? - Use shapes to make word patterns | |
31. | Which Shape? - Use shapes to make word patterns | |
32. | Which Shape? - Use shapes to make word patterns | |
33. | Which Shape? - Use shapes to make word patterns | |
34. | Which Shape? - Use shapes to make word patterns | |
35. | Which Shape? - Use shapes to make word patterns | |
36. | Write It Right - Write all the words with double letters | |
37. | Write It Right - Write all the words with double letters | |
38. | Lost For Words - Identify objects in the picture | |
39. | Lost For Words - Identify objects in the picture | |
40. | Lost For Words - Identify objects in the picture | |
41. | Lost For Words - Match words/picture | |
42. | Lost For Words - Match words/picture | |
43. | Lost For Words - Match words/picture | |
44. | Lost For Words - Match words/picture | |
45. | What's on the Kitchen Bench? - Select correct list | |
46. | What's on the Kitchen Bench? - Select correct list | |
47. | What's In the Street? - Select correct list | |
48. | Hungry Munch-Munch! - Match list of objects | |
49. | Who Wants to Learn a Million Words? - Not an animal | |
50. | What's In The Street? - Select correct list | |
51. | What's On The Kitchen Bench? - Select correct list | |
52. | A Christmas Poem - Comprehension | |
53. | Star Light, Star Bright - Interpret descriptive text | |
54. | Max's Bug Collection - Interpret descriptive text | |
55. | Which One? - Interpret descriptive text | |
56. | Which One? - Interpret descriptive text | |
57. | Cats and Dogs - Read category labels and sort pictures into categories | |
58. | Food and Drink - Read category labels and sort pictures into categories | |
59. | Flowers and Leaves - Read category labels and sort pictures into categories | |
60. | What Am I? - Choose picture matching description | |
61. | Be Very, Very Afraid! - Information report | |
62. | Bedtime Poem 1 (4) | |
63. | Lost For Words - Match words/picture (1) |