Recognise equations of the form y = mx + b as representing straight lines and interpret the x-coefficient (m) as the gradient, and the constant (b) as the y-intercept, of a straight line

1. A Steep Problem- Linear Functions: Which line has the steepest slope?
2. Fishing Lines - Graphs: Identify all lines with a given slope
3. Lines, Lions, Lines - Graphs: Find co-ords of y-intercept
4. Lines, Lions, Lines - Graphs: Identify all possible equations for a line
5. An Issue of Intercepts: Linear Functions: Identify lines with same y-intercept
6. A Steep Problem - Linear Functions - Identify lines with same slope
7. A Line by Any Other Name: Linear Functions: Select all lines sastisfying y=mx+c
8. The Plot Thickens - plot intercept points, identify curve
9. The Plot Thickens - plot intercept points, identify curve