Compares, orders and calculates with integers, applying a range of strategies to aid computation
Apply the associative, commutative and distributive laws to aid mental and written computation (ACMNA151)
Use an appropriate non-calculator method to divide two- and three-digit numbers by a two-digit number
Use factors of a number to aid mental computation involving multiplication and division, eg to multiply a number by 12, first multiply the number by 6 and then multiply the result by 2
Use an appropriate non-calculator method to divide two- and three-digit numbers by a two-digit number
Compare, order, add and subtract integers (ACMNA280)
Order integers
Add and subtract integers using mental and written strategies
Play Activities 446Examples
Order integers
- Carry out the four operations with rational numbers and integers, using efficient mental and written strategies and appropriate digital technologies (ACMNA183)