Outcome 3
Selects and uses language forms, features and structures of texts appropriate to a range of purposes, audiences and contexts, describing and explaining their effects on meaning
Analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of a wide range of sentence and clause structures as authors design and craft texts (ACELA1557, ACELA1569)
Understand that Standard Australian English in its spoken and written forms has a history of evolution and change and continues to evolve (ACELA1550, ACELA1563)
Evaluate techniques (eg contrast, exaggeration, juxtaposition or changing chronological order) used in spoken, written and visual texts to, for example, construct plot and create emotional responses
Understand how to use knowledge of the spelling system to spell unusual and technical words accurately, for example those based on uncommon Greek and Latin roots (ACELA1573)
Play Activities 266Examples
Understand how punctuation is used along with layout and font variations in constructing texts for different audiences and purposes (ACELA1556)
Analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of a wide range of sentence and clause structures as authors design and craft texts (ACELA1557, ACELA1569)