Multiply decimals of up to three decimal places by whole numbers of up to two digits, with and without the use of digital technologies, eg 'I measured three desks. Each desk was 1.25 m in length, so the total length is 3 x 1.25 = 3.75 m'
1. | Double Up and Add: Double 0.4, add 0.1, add 1 | |
2. | Double Up and Add: Double 0.1, add 0.8, add 1 | |
3. | Maree at the sweet shop: 20 x 30c + 5 x 25c | |
4. | Chocolate Frenzy: 4 x $4.65 | |
5. | Same or Different: Click all the boxes with the same answer. | |
6. | Number production: Put the correct ending on each multiplication sentence | |
7. | Number production: Put the correct ending on each multiplication sentence | |
8. | Decimal times: Complete the numbers on a vertical multiplication board | |
9. | Decimal times: Complete the numbers on a vertical multiplication board |