Identify and mark particular locations on maps and plans, given their grid references
1. | Grid Lock - grid references | |
2. | Location, Location - using grid references | |
3. | Pin The Kid on the Grid - move object to given coordinates | |
4. | Precise Position - click on the umbrellas at positions (5,2) and (1,3). | |
5. | Precise Position - click on the hats at positions (4,1) and (2,4) | |
6. | Precise Position - select objects at given coordinates | |
7. | Pin the Kid on the Grid - place the boy on the position (4,4) | |
8. | Changing Places - move horizontally right, coordinates | |
9. | Changing places - move vertically up, coordinates | |
10. | Changing Places - move horizontally on grid, coordinates | |
11. | Solve-a-Word - use grid coordinates to solve puzzle | |
12. | Solve-a-Word - use grid coordinates to solve puzzle | |
13. | Shape Up! - move objects to given grid coordinates | |
14. | Solve-a-Word - use grid coordinates to solve puzzle | |
15. | Shape Up! - move objects to given grid coordinates | |
16. | Shape Up! - move objects to given grid coordinates | |
17. | Solve-a-Word - use grid coordinates to solve puzzle | |
18. | Solve-a-Word - use grid coordinates to solve puzzle | |
19. | Solve-a-Word - use grid coordinates to solve puzzle | |
20. | Birds On The Wing - north and south, horizontal or vertical | |
21. | Bugs On The Move - move objects to given grid coordinates, describe line made | |
22. | Bugs On The Move - move objects to given grid coordinates, describe line made | |
23. | Bugs On The Move - move objects to given grid coordinates, describe line made |