Calculate 'best buys' by comparing price per unit, or quantity per monetary unit, eg 500 grams for $4.50 compared with 300 grams for $2.75
1. | Buttering up the customers: Price comparison | |
2. | Dig for the food facts: Investigate proportional relationships | |
3. | Tiling to scale: Investigate proportional relationships | |
4. | Let's go SHOPPING!!!! - best value, price/volume | |
5. | Let's go SHOPPING!!!! - best value, price/volume | |
6. | Let's go SHOPPING!!!! - best value, price/volume | |
7. | Let's go SHOPPING!!!! - best value, price/volume | |
8. | Fleur's Shopping Selection - best value, price/volume | |
9. | Phil The Fruiterer - calculate best value given masses and prices | |
10. | Phil The Fruiterer - calculate best value given masses and prices | |
11. | Phil's Great Grapes - calculate best value given masses and prices | |
12. | Phil's Great Grapes - calculate best value given masses and prices |