Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
1. | The Strongest Link - Write appropriate link words | |
2. | What Is She Trying To Say? - Muddled carols | |
3. | Which Word? - Homograph activity | |
4. | Was It a Cat I Saw? - Word puzzle | |
5. | Imagine This - Add ence/ance to make nouns from verbs | |
6. | Imagine This - Add ence/ance to make nouns from verbs | |
7. | Nothing Compares! - Adjectives without comparative forms | |
8. | All The World's A Stage... - Future tense | |
9. | Change in Person - Identify correct usage | |
10. | Change in Person - Identify correct usage | |
11. | World Tours! - Identify correctly punctuated sentences | |
12. | 4-in-a-row - Identify words with same grammatical function | |
13. | 4-in-a-row - Identify words with same grammatical function | |
14. | Verbal Irregulars - Present tense irregular verbs | |
15. | 4-in-a-row - Identify words with same grammatical function | |
16. | Unidentified Grammatical Object - Word level grammar, parts of speech | |
17. | Unidentified Grammatical Object - Word level grammar, parts of speech | |
18. | Quantifiers - What Quantity? - Identify quantifiers in text | |
19. | Unidentified Grammatical Object - Word level grammar, parts of speech | |
20. | Unidentified Grammatical Object - Word level grammar, parts of speech | |
21. | Unidentified Grammatical Object - Word level grammar, parts of speech | |
22. | Quazy Quacker of a Question! - Identify phrases and auxiliary verbs | |
23. | Laudable Lord Percibald - Identify common grammatical errors | |
24. | Laudable Lord Percibald - Identify common grammatical errors | |
25. | Laudable Lord Percibald - Identify common grammatical errors | |
26. | Laudable Lord Percibald - Identify common grammatical errors | |
27. | Grammar Police - Identify dangling modifiers | |
28. | Intransigent Intransitives - use of transitive and intransitive verbs | |
29. | Subtle Sentences - Identify and rewrite misspelled words (1) | |
30. | Subtle Sentences - Identify and rewrite misspelled words (1) | |
31. | Monstrous Monsters! - Identify tautologies (1) | |
32. | Monstrous Monsters! - Identify tautologies (1) | |
33. | Monstrous Monsters! - Identify tautologies (1) | |
34. | Monstrous Monsters! - Identify tautologies (1) | |
35. | An Easy Mistake - Write correct word (1) | |
36. | An Easy Mistake - Write correct word (1) | |
37. | An Easy Mistake - Write correct word (1) | |
38. | What Is She Trying To Say? - Muddled carols (1) | |
39. | The Tautological Tautology - Identify tautological statements (1) | |
40. | Might - Distinguish different uses of "might" (1) | |
41. | Word Misuse - Identify misused words. (1) | |
42. | In the (Subjunctive) Mood - Identify verbs not in subjunctive form (1) | |
43. | In the (Subjunctive) Mood - Identify verbs not in subjunctive form (1) | |
44. | Hypercorrection - Identify examples of hypercorrection (1) | |
45. | However Do You Do It? - Using commas and semicolons (1) | |
46. | Comma Code! - Using commas (1) | |
47. | Coordinated Corrections - Correct and incorrect sentence structure (1) | |
48. | Confusing Numbers - Subject/ verb agreement (1) | |
49. | In the (Subjunctive) Mood - Identify verbs not in subjunctive form (1) | |
50. | Use of [sic] (1) | |
51. | Rob Drops A Brick! - Identify tautologies (1) | |
52. | The World Of Tomorrow - Future tense (1) | |
53. | Laudable Lord Percibald - Identify common grammatical errors (1) | |
54. | Quazy Quacker of a Question! - Identify gerunds and auxiliary verbs (1) | |
55. | Quazy Quacker of a Question! - Identify dependent clauses and auxiliary verbs (1) | |
56. | Quazy Quacker of a Question! - Identify phrases and auxiliary verbs (1) | |
57. | Quazy Quacker of a Question! - Identify dependent clauses and auxiliary verbs (1) | |
58. | Terms and Definitions - Definition of conjunction (1) | |
59. | Terms and Definitions - Definition of auxiliary verb (1) | |
60. | Terms and Definitions - Definition of phrase (1) | |
61. | Terms and Definitions - Definition of adverb (1) | |
62. | Terms and Definitions - Definition of pronoun (1) | |
63. | Intransigent Intransitives - Use of transitive and intransitive verbs (1) | |
64. | Intransigent Intransitives - Use of transitive and intransitive verbs (1) | |
65. | Greg's Grammar Exam - Word level grammar and examples (1) | |
66. | Greg's Grammar Exam - Word level grammar and examples (1) | |
67. | The Land of Eveldia - Identify dangling modifier (1) | |
68. | The Land of Eveldia - Identify dangling modifier (1) |