
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of time and place; how it sets a formal or informal tone).

1. Magazine: Gretchen gets Geisha role - recognising idioms A
2. Magazine: Gretchen gets Geisha role - understanding irony A
3. Kubla Khan Poem 1 (2)
4. Heavens Poem (5)
5. Magazine: B
6. Magazine: B
7. Bees Poem 1 (8)
8. Beowulf - Information and Examples (6)
9. Types of Narratives (6)
10. Types of Narratives (5)
11. Info Report (6)