Understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two quantities. For example, 'The ratio of wings to beaks in the bird house at the zoo was 2:1, because for every 2 wings there was 1 beak.' 'For every vote candidate A received, candidate C received nearly three votes.'
1. | Time travel: Write measurements in ratio form | |
2. | Is that answer counted?: Write 2 measurements in ratio form | |
3. | Country count: Write numbers in ratio form | |
4. | City link: Write numbers in ratio form | |
5. | Country count: Write numbers in ratio form | |
6. | Danae's Daily Activities - read pie graph, convert to percentage | |
7. | Simply the best: Write a ratio in its simplest form | |
8. | Simply the best: Write a ratio in its simplest form | |
9. | Simple labor: Simplify a ratio | |
10. | In the olden days: Calculate quantities in proportion | |
11. | In the olden days: Calculate quantities in proportion | |
12. | Justin Time: Calculate batting ratios | |
13. | Bat like Matt: Calculate ratio of home runs to games played | |
14. | Same old, same old: Write an equivalent ratio | |
15. | Reading matters: Write two numbers in ratio form | |
16. | Cream It: Write numbers in ratio form | |
17. | Treat it as fact: Write numbers in ratio form | |
18. | Crunch Time: Write numbers in ratio form | |
19. | Hi ho! Hi ho!: Write one measurement as a fraction of another | |
20. | Hi ho! Hi ho!: Write one measurement as a fraction of another |