
Apply the area and perimeter formulas for rectangles in real world and mathematical problems. For example, find the width of a rectangular room given the area of the flooring and the length, by viewing the area formula as a multiplication equation with an unknown factor.

1. Ordering By Area - order 4 objects by area, using 1 square centimetre grid
2. Ordering By Area - order 5 objects by area, using 1 square centimetre grid
3. Ordering By Area - order 4 objects by area, using 1 square unit grid
4. Ordering By Area - order 4 objects by area, using 1 square centimetre grid
5. Block and Table - use grid to match area estimate in square units to shapes
6. Building Blocks - use grid to match area estimate in square units to shapes
7. Area Of The Oblongs - use grid to match area estimate in square units to shapes
8. Area Of The Oblongs - use grid to match area estimate in square units to shapes
9. In This Case... - calculate perimeter of rectangle given side lengths
10. Pet Shares: $100/ 4
11. Christmas cash: 2x$80+8x$40
12. Raking in the cash: 2x$60+3x$20
13. Circus Cash: 3x$70+4x$60
14. Peek-a-boo - expressing 1 square meter
15. Approximating Area - to nearest whole number, using 1 square inch grid
16. Approximating Area - to nearest whole number, using 1 square inch grid
17. The Vegie Patch - expressing area of 1 square meter
18. Pace Out the Bounds 1 - perimeter of rectangle given dimensions, whole m
19. Pace Out the Bounds 2 - perimeter of triangle, given side lengths, in ins
20. Pace Out the Bounds 3 - side length given perimeter of square, whole m
21. Derry's Door - expressing 1 square meter
22. Approximating Area - to nearest whole number, using 1 square inch grid
23. Pace Out the Bounds 4 - side length given perimeter of square, whole miles
24. The Bird Cage - equivalent to 1 square m
25. Coloring Space - expressing 1 square yard