Read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths.
1. | Order! Order! 1 dec. place, largest number first | |
2. | Size-Wise: Largest possible number | |
3. | Size-Wise: Largest possible number with 1 dec. place | |
4. | Order! Order! 2 dec places - Largest number first | |
5. | Order! Order! 2 dec places - Largest number first | |
6. | Make a Number: 12 thousandths, 9 hundredths, 7 tenths, 3 ones | |
7. | Make a Number: 3 tens, 4 hundredths, 5 tenths, 8 ones | |
8. | Order! Order! 2 dec places - Largest number first | |
9. | Order! Order! 3 dec places - Largest number first | |
10. | Order! Order! 3 dec places - Largest number first | |
11. | Order! Order! 3 dec places - Smallest number first | |
12. | Size-Wise: Largest no: 1 dec. place | |
13. | Size-Wise: Smallest no: 1 dec. place | |
14. | Size-Wise: Largest no: 2 dec. places | |
15. | Size-Wise: Smallest no: 2 dec. places | |
16. | Size-Wise: Largest no: 3 dec. places | |
17. | Size-Wise: Smallest no: 3 dec. places | |
18. | Make a Number: 2 tens, 1 hundred, 6 tenths, 5 ones, 5 hundredthshhs | |
19. | Make a Number: 9 tens, 1 one, 5 tenths, 3 hundredths, 1 thousanddth | |
20. | Order! Order! 1 dec. place, smallest number first | |
21. | Order! Order! 1 dec. place, largest number first | |
22. | Order! Order! 1 dec. place, largest number first | |
23. | Order! Order! 2dp, ascending order | |
24. | Order! Order! 2dp, descending order | |
25. | Order! Order! 2dp, descending order | |
26. | Order! Order! 2dp, ascending | |
27. | Order! Order! 2dp, descending order | |
28. | Order! Order! 2dp, descending order | |
29. | Order! Order! 1 dec. place, largest number first | |
30. | Order! Order! 1 dec. place, smallest number first | |
31. | What's That Number? | |
32. | What's That Number? | |
33. | Here's the number: 31 269 31 692 31 962 | |
34. | Here's the number: 12 359 12 539 12 953 | |
35. | Here's the number: 458.2 452.8 458.8 | |
36. | Here's the number: 547.9 574.9 549.7 | |
37. | Here's the number: 39 879 39 789 39 987 | |
38. | Here's the number: 13 698 13 968 13 896 | |
39. | Here are the words.......where's the number? | |
40. | Here are the words.......where's the number? | |
41. | Here are the words.......where's the number? | |
42. | Here are the words.......where's the number? | |
43. | Here are the words.......where's the number? | |
44. | What's That Number? | |
45. | Order! Order! 1 dec. place, largest number first | |
46. | Order! Order! 1 dec. place, smallest number first | |
47. | Here are the words........where's the number? | |
48. | Here are the words........where's the number? | |
49. | What's That Number? | |
50. | Here are the words.......where's the number? | |
51. | Here are the words.......where's the number? | |
52. | Here's the number: 36 589 63 589 36 958 | |
53. | Here's the number: 24 468 42 468 42 688 | |
54. | What's That Number? | |
55. | What's That Number? | |
56. | What's That Number? | |
57. | What's That Number? | |
58. | Order! Order! 5-digit: Smallest number first | |
59. | Order! Order! 2 dec places - Largest number first | |
60. | Here's the number: 57 891 75 891 57 981 | |
61. | Here's the number: 871.6 876.1 867.6 | |
62. | Here are the words.......where's the number? | |
63. | Here are the words.......where's the number? | |
64. | Here are the words.......where's the number? | |
65. | What's That Number? | |
66. | What's That Number? | |
67. | What's That Number? | |
68. | Here are the words...Where's the number? | |
69. | Here are the words...Where's the number? | |
70. | Here are the words...Where's the number? | |
71. | Here are the words...Where's the number? | |
72. | Here are the words...Where's the number? | |
73. | Order! Order! 6-digit Smallest number first | |
74. | Order! Order! 6-digit Smallest number first | |
75. | Order! Order! 6-digit Largest number first | |
76. | Here's the number: 125 369 125 969 125 699 | |
77. | What's That Number? | |
78. | What's That Number? | |
79. | Here are the words...Where's the number? | |
80. | Here are the words...Where's the number? | |
81. | Here are the words...Where's the number? | |
82. | Here are the words...Where's the number? | |
83. | Order! Order! 3 dec places - Smallest number first |