Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, volume and surface area of two- and three-dimensional objects composed of triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, cubes, and right prisms.
1. | Cartons of Fun - complete dimensions to create containers with volume of 6L | |
2. | Cartons of Fun - complete dimensions to create containers with volume of 3L | |
3. | Cartons of Fun - complete dimensions to create containers with volume of 1L | |
4. | Phil's Pool Pondering - calculate volume of water to fill trapazoidal pool safely | |
5. | Phil's Pool Pondering - calculate volume of water to fill trapazoidal pool safely | |
6. | Phil's Pool Pondering - calculate volume of water to fill pool safely | |
7. | Phil's Pool Pondering - calculate maximum capacity of hexagonal play pool | |
8. | Tricky Triangles - complete expressions for area of rectangle and triangle | |
9. | Tricky Triangles - complete expressions for area of rectangle and triangle | |
10. | You Go Figure - calculate missing side length in m, area in square m | |
11. | You Go Figure - calculate missing side length in mm, area in square mm | |
12. | Tricky Triangles - complete expressions for area of rectangle and triangle | |
13. | Tricky Triangles - area of rectangle, calculate half to find area of triangle | |
14. | Ain't Mis-Bee-Hive'n - how many fit in 1 square m | |
15. | Reasoning With Rectangles - find rectangle/square, area in square cm | |
16. | Reasoning with Rectangles - calcualte area in square km | |
17. | The Bug Space - equivalent to 100 square mm | |
18. | Tricky Terminology - identify shape, calculate area, square cm | |
19. | Stepping Out The Bounds! - area of rectangles with the same perimeter | |
20. | Stepping Out The Bounds! - area of rectangles with the same perimeters | |
21. | The Perimeter Holds! - area of rectangles with the same perimeter | |
22. | The Perimeter Holds! - calculate missing side length, area and perimeter of rectangle given | |
23. | Covering the Same Area - select 2 rectangles/parallelograms with the same area | |
24. | Kite Capers - area of a kite | |
25. | Green Hectares - area of rectangle in hectares, dimensions in m | |
26. | Netscape - select correct net, caluclate surface area, triangular prism | |
27. | The Secret Formula 3 - calculate rectangle side length given one side | |
28. | The Secret Formula 2 - calculate rectangle side length given one side | |
29. | The Secret Formula 1 - calculate rectangle side length given one side and area | |
30. | Boundary Rider 2 - calculate side length given area and one side | |
31. | Tightly Bound - find smallest perimeter of rectangle given area | |
32. | Paving the way: Measurement multiplication | |
33. | Terry's Trapezoid Trap - Select correct algebraic expression | |
34. | Terry's Trapezoid Trap - Select correct algebraic expression | |
35. | Down on Don's Farm - Develop then calculate an algebraic expression | |
36. | Down on Don's Farm - Develop then calculate an algebraic expression | |
37. | Rec-tangles - calculate side length in km using area in square km | |
38. | You Go Figure - calculate missing side length in m, area in square m | |
39. | Gluttonous Grasshoppers - 1,600rods x 1,280rods as square miles | |
40. | Gluttonous Grasshoppers - 484,000 sq yds as acres | |
41. | Crop Crisis - area in hectares, dimensions in m | |
42. | Man Power - double 1.5 yd sq, in square ft | |
43. | Face Value - calculate areas of faces, rectangular prism, total surface area | |
44. | Face Value - calculate areas of faces, rectangular prism, total surface area | |
45. | Face Value - calculate areas of faces, rectangular prism, total surface area | |
46. | Face Value - calculate areas of faces, rectangular prism, total surface area | |
47. | Rec-tangles - area of rectangle in square km, lengths in m and km | |
48. | Rec-tangles - area of rectangle in square m, lengths in mm and m | |
49. | Un-Tangling The Area - expression for calculating area of a rectangle | |
50. | Un-Tangling The Area - expression for calculating area of a rectangle | |
51. | Un-Tangling The Area - expression for calculating area of a rectangle | |
52. | Fair and Square 1 - calculate area of square given perimeter | |
53. | Top It Up - select containers to hold 1.5L given their dimensions | |
54. | Top It Up - calculate capacity from given dimensions | |
55. | Top It Up - calculate capacity from given dimensions | |
56. | Top It Up - calculate capacity from given dimensions | |
57. | Top It Up - select containers to hold 1.8L given their dimensions | |
58. | Top It Up - select containers to hold 0.95L given their dimensions | |
59. | Rainbow Rectangles - area of compound shape, square in | |
60. | Rainbow Rectangles - area of compound shape, square ft | |
61. | Rainbow Rectangles - area of compound shape, square yds | |
62. | Tricky Triangles - area of rectangle, calculate half to find area of triangle | |
63. | Tricky Triangles - area of rectangle, calculate half to find area of triangle | |
64. | Fracturing the Compounds - area of compound shape, rectangles | |
65. | Triangularea - area of a triangle | |
66. | Triangularea - area of a triangle | |
67. | Shape Up - select shapes with same area, quadrilaterals and triangles | |
68. | Green Hectares - 17,450,000 square m in hectares | |
69. | Green Hectares - equivalent to 23,000 square m | |
70. | The Area Stands - dimensions of rectangles with same area | |
71. | The Area Stands - dimensions of rectangles with same area | |
72. | Karl's Organic Oranges - calculate capacity in L given dimensions of carton | |
73. | Karl's Organic Oranges - calculate capacity in L given dimensions of carton | |
74. | Karl's Organic Oranges - calculate volume given dimensions of carton | |
75. | Karl's Organic Oranges - calculate volume given dimensions of carton | |
76. | Shapes, Anyone? - area of isosceles triangle in a rectangle | |
77. | Para-shapes - select 2 rectangles/parallelograms with the same area | |
78. | Covering the Same Area - select 2 rectangles/parallelograms with the same area | |
79. | Prismatic Problems - volume of rectangular prism & convert to cu. ft | |
80. | Dotty Cubes - calculate side length given volume | |
81. | Green Hectares - equivalent to 230,000 square m | |
82. | The Area Stands - dimensions of rectangles with the same area | |
83. | The Area Stands - dimensions of rectangles with the same area | |
84. | Covering the Same Area - select 3 rectangles/parallelograms with the same area | |
85. | Para-gliding - Covering the Same Area - match rectangle with parallelogram of same area | |
86. | Triangularea - area of triangle within rectangle | |
87. | Triangularea - find perpendicular height given 1 side and area of triangle | |
88. | Trapeze Artist - area of a trapezoid | |
89. | Trapeze Artist - area of a trapezoid | |
90. | Trapeze Artist - area of a trapezoid | |
91. | Parallel Universe - find height of parallelogram given side and area | |
92. | Parallel Universe - area of a parallelogram | |
93. | Roxie and Ronnie's Round Up - area of square in a circle | |
94. | Roxie and Ronnie's Round Up - area of a square inside a circle | |
95. | Damming Evidence - converting L/min to kL/hour | |
96. | Damming Evidence - estimate area of irregular shape | |
97. | Damming Evidence - estimate area of irregular shape | |
98. | Dizzy Steer Disease - calculate missing side length of rectangle given area, m and hectares | |
99. | Turf It - area of rectangle in acres, dimensions in fg, ft | |
100. | A Conversions Experience - from square mm to square cm, 1 decimal place | |
101. | Heron's Formula - area of triangle using Heron's formula | |
102. | Heron's Formula - area of triangle using Heron's formula | |
103. | The Flying Trapezoid - area of trapezoid, square ft |