By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
1. | It's Complicated (2) | |
2. | Narrative: Complication (1) | |
3. | Narrative: Complication (2) | |
4. | Hollywood Online A | |
5. | Pink Poem (6) | |
6. | Never-Never Poem (1) | |
7. | Jungle Poem 1 (1) | |
8. | Hen Poem 1 (3) | |
9. | Hen Poem 1 (2) | |
10. | Bell-Birds Poem 1 (5) | |
11. | Door Poem 1 (3) | |
12. | Ozymandias Poem 1 (6) | |
13. | Pied Piper Poem 1 (4) | |
14. | Bees Poem 1 (4) | |
15. | Frost Poem (3) | |
16. | Never-Never Poem (4) | |
17. | Never-Never Poem (3) | |
18. | Hiawatha Poem (3) | |
19. | Hiawatha Poem (2) | |
20. | Narrative: Complication (3) | |
21. | Narrative: Amelie in the forest | |
22. | Narrative: Amelie in the forest | |
23. | Narrative: Amelie in the forest | |
24. | What am I (1) | |
25. | What am I (2) |