
Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.

1. Transport - Interpret description
2. Sentence Sense! - Choose correct sentence (CVCC words)
3. Sentence Sense! - Choose correct sentence (CVCC words)
4. True Words - Drag correct CVCC word to complete sentence
5. True Words - Drag correct CVCC word to complete sentence
6. Word Recognition - Match word and picture
7. Choose correct word to complete sentence - w focus
8. Word Recognition - Phrase (1)
9. Choose correct word to complete sentence - w focus
10. Choose correct word to complete sentence - w focus
11. Sentence Sense - Drag correct word to complete sentence
12. Sentence Sense - Drag correct word to complete sentence
13. Finish The Sentence - Drag correct CVCC word
14. Finish The Sentence - Choose correct CCVCC word
15. Choose correct word for picture
16. Choose correct word for picture
17. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
18. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
19. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word
20. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word
21. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word.
22. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
23. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
24. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
25. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
26. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
27. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
28. Look at the picture - Click the correct word
29. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
30. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
31. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
32. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word
33. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (X)
34. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word
35. What Am I? - Choose correct CCVC word (letters, no sound)
36. What Am I? - Choose correct CCVC word (letters, no sound)
37. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (X)
38. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (X)
39. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (X)
40. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
41. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
42. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
43. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
44. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
45. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
46. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
47. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
48. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word
49. Word Recognition - Phrase (3)
50. Look at the picture - Click the correct word
51. Look at the picture - Click the correct word
52. Look at the picture - Click the correct word
53. Look at the picture - Click the correct word
54. Look at the picture - Click the correct word
55. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
56. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
57. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
58. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
59. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
60. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word
61. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word
62. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word
63. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word
64. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word
65. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence
66. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
67. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
68. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
69. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence.
70. Choose correct word to complete sentence - w focus
71. Which Word? - Descriptive (a)
72. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word (a)
73. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (1a)
74. Look at the picture - Click the correct word (a)
75. Look at the picture - Click the correct word (a)
76. Look at the picture - Click the correct word (a)
77. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (a)
78. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word (1a)
79. Look at the picture - Click the correct word (a)
80. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (a)
81. Finish the sentence - Click the correct word (a)
82. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (a)
83. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word (a)
84. Finish the sentence - Choose the correct word (a)
85. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (a)
86. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (a)
87. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word (a)
88. Look at the picture - Click the correct word (a)
89. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (a)
90. Correct Or Incorrect - Click the correct sentence. (a)
91. Finish the sentence - Drag the correct word (a)
92. Choose correct word for picture