Convert among different-sized standard measurement units within a given measurement system (e.g., convert 5 cm to 0.05 m), and use these conversions in solving multi-step, real world problems.
1. | Starea - equivalent to 1 square cm | |
2. | Stretching Things A Bit 2 - equivalent to 255mm | |
3. | Stretching Things A Bit 1 - equivalent of 350cm | |
4. | The Ants' Pants 2 - number of 10mm units in 8cm | |
5. | Weighty Matters - adding g to kg, 1 decimal place | |
6. | Weighty Matters - adding masses in kg, 1 decimal place | |
7. | Weighty Matters - adding masses in kg, 1 decimal place | |
8. | A Weighty Issue - equal arm balance, 250g units, conversion between g and kg | |
9. | A Weighty Issue - equal arm balance, 200g units, conversion between g and kg | |
10. | A Weighty Issue - equal arm balance, 200g units, conversion between g and kg | |
11. | A Weighty Issue - equal arm balance, 500g units, conversion between g and kg | |
12. | Load the Cannon! - conversion between g and kg, 2 decimal places | |
13. | Load the Cannon! - conversion between g and kg, 2 decimal places | |
14. | A Weighty Issue - equal arm balance, 500g units, conversion between g and kg | |
15. | A New Way to Write - Write grams as kilograms (dec. number) | |
16. | a MASSive operation - conversion between units; g, kg and t | |
17. | Up or down: Decide whether to round up or down after division | |
18. | All hands to the job: Multiply ins, convert to yards | |
19. | Tony trots to tone: Multiply yards, convert to miles | |
20. | Phoebe Figures Fractions: How many yards in one-fourth of a mile? (1) | |
21. | Bill's Buckets - rounding up to nearest liter | |
22. | Bill's Buckets - match appropriate bucket size to required volume | |
23. | Rule The World 12 - mm to cm | |
24. | Rule The World 6 - cm to mm | |
25. | The Great Measurement Round-Up 3 - round m to nearest km | |
26. | The Great Measurement Round-Up 1 - round mm to nearest cm | |
27. | Length Match 3 - equivalent to three-fourths of a m | |
28. | Are We There Yet? 1 - m in one-fourth of a km | |
29. | Leaping Lengths - equivalent to 1km | |
30. | Surf's Up - equivalent to 0.5 km | |
31. | Dare Devil Dan - converting g to kg and g | |
32. | Around About... - rounding oz to the nearest 10lbs | |
33. | Around About... - rounding to the nearest lb | |
34. | Around About... - rounding g to the nearest kg | |
35. | Uncle Max's Corner Store Conversions - conversion from kg to g, 2 decimal places | |
36. | Load the Cannon! - conversion between g and kg, 1 decimal place | |
37. | Load the Cannon! - conversion between g and kg, 1 decimal place | |
38. | Greener Pastures - equivalent to 1 hectare | |
39. | The Purple Meter Eater 3 - equivalent to half a km | |
40. | Measuring Up 4 - conversion between m and km | |
41. | Measuring Up 5 - conversion between yards and miles | |
42. | Scaling Up 3 - conversion between m and km | |
43. | All Units Go, Go, Go! - fractions of km in m | |
44. | Stretching Things A Bit 3 - equivalent to 2.5km | |
45. | Rule The World 8 - m to mm | |
46. | Rule The World 10 - km to m | |
47. | Rule The World 2 - m to mm | |
48. | Dare Devil Dan - converting g to kg and g | |
49. | Load the Cannon! - conversion between g and kg, 2 decimal places | |
50. | Crazy Conversions - 1.5L in mL | |
51. | Crazy Conversions - 1,075mL in L | |
52. | Crazy Conversions - 2.05L in mL | |
53. | Crazy Conversions - 0.75L in mL | |
54. | Starea - equivalent to 1 square km | |
55. | The Purple Meter Eater 2 - equivalent to 1km | |
56. | Scaling Up 2 - conversion between m and km | |
57. | Low Light - fractions of a meter in cm | |
58. | Octopus Arms - fractions of a meter in cm | |
59. | Home Time - fractions of a km in m | |
60. | Rule The World 15 - m to km | |
61. | Rule The World 7 - m to km | |
62. | Touch-Down 2 - three-fourths of a km in m | |
63. | On Target 2 - equivalent to three-fourths of a m | |
64. | Cory's Cooking Craze - conversion from mL to L | |
65. | Rule The World 14 - cm to km | |
66. | Rule The World 3 - km to mm | |
67. | Rule The World 1 - mm to cm; decimal | |
68. | Rule The World 9 - km to cm | |
69. | Big Business - equivalent to 1 square km | |
70. | Metric Measures Match Up! - conversion between units; mm, cm, m, km | |
71. | Are We There Yet? 2 - 5280yds in miles? | |
72. | Uncle Max's Corner Store Conversions - conversion from t to g/kg, 1 decimal place | |
73. | Cooking with Chris - conversion from g to kg, 2 decimal places | |
74. | Cooking with Chris - conversion from g to kg, 1 decimal place | |
75. | Cooking with Chris - conversion from g to kg, 1 decimal place | |
76. | Cooking with Chris - conversion from g to kg, 2 decimal places | |
77. | Perimeter Peril 1 - perimeter of regular octagon given side length | |
78. | Perimeter Peril 2 - perimeter of regular heptagon given side length | |
79. | Perimeter Peril 3 - perimeter of regular dodecahedron given side length | |
80. | Cory's Cooking Craze - conversion from L (decimals) to mL | |
81. | A New Way to Write - Write grams as kilograms (dec. number) | |
82. | A New Way to Write - Write grams as kilograms (dec. number) | |
83. | a MASSive operation - conversion between units; g, kg and t | |
84. | a MASSive operation - conversion between units; g, kg and t | |
85. | Bush Bake Off - round g to nearest tenth of a kg | |
86. | Wal's Water Worries - 2.5-qrt bottles in 80-gal barrel | |
87. | Wal's Water Worries - 1.25-pt bottles in 10-gal barrel | |
88. | Starea - equivalent to 100 square km | |
89. | Touch-Down 4 - equivalent to 4,250m | |
90. | Touch-Down 3 - equivalent to 2.5km | |
91. | a MASSive operation - conversion between units; g, kg and t | |
92. | a MASSive operation - conversion between units; g, kg and t | |
93. | Bush Bake Off - round g to nearest tenth of a kg | |
94. | Bush Bake Off - round g to nearest tenth of a kg | |
95. | Uncle Max's Corner Store Conversions - conversion from kg to t, up to 3 decimal places | |
96. | Larry's Log Book - conversion from kg to t; 3 decimal places | |
97. | Larry's Log Book - conversion from kg to t; 3 decimal places | |
98. | Larry's Log Book - conversion between units, calculate total in kg/t |