
Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.

1. Keys To Learning - Add 'es' and 'ed' to words ending in 'y'
2. The Right Endings - Form plurals for words ending in sh, ch, s, x, z
3. The Right Endings - Form plurals for words ending in sh, ch, s, x, z
4. Anna's Anagrams - Write an anagram for 'pot'
5. Anna's Anagrams - Write an anagram for 'rat'
6. Who Wants to Learn a Million Words? - Not an animal
7. Who Wants to Learn a Million Words? - Word not meaning 'happy'
8. Stop The Bus! - Homograph activity
9. In Other Words - Synonym for 'spaceship'
10. Stop The Bus! - Homograph activity
11. Word Ancestors
12. Opposites Amass
13. Description (1)
14. Description: metaphor
15. Description: simile
16. Onomatopoeia
17. Introducing onomatopoeia (3)
18. Introducing onomatopoeia (4)
19. Match prefixes A
20. Onomatopoeia (1)
21. Cryptic Clues... (2)
22. Match prefixes 2
23. Match prefixes 3
24. Match prefixes 4
25. Match prefixes 5
26. Look Alikes! - Identify heteronyms (1)
27. Verily, Verily! - Add "ly" and "ness" to words ending in "y" (1)
28. It Keeps On Getting Better! - Add "ier" and "est" to words ending in "y" (1)
29. Stop The Bus! - Homograph activity (1)
30. Hole In One! - Match words/antonyms (1)
31. Hole In One! - Match words/antonyms (1)