Solve multi-step real-life and mathematical problems posed with positive and negative rational numbers in any form (whole numbers, fractions, and decimals), using tools strategically. Apply properties of operations to calculate with numbers in any form; convert between forms as appropriate; and assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies. For example: If a woman making $25 an hour gets a 10% raise, she will make an additional 1/10 of her salary an hour, or $2.50, for a new salary of $27.50. If you want to place a towel bar 9 3/4 inches long in the center of a door that is 27 1/2 inches wide, you will need to place the bar about 9 inches from each edge; this estimate can be used as a check on the exact computation.
1. | Number Detectives: a+b=14, axb=49 | |
2. | Number Detectives: a-b=0, axb=9 | |
3. | Number Detectives: a+b=9, axb=14 | |
4. | Number Detectives: a+b=21 Highest value for axb? | |
5. | Number Detectives: a+b=18, ab=81 | |
6. | Number Detectives: Prime a + prime b=15 | |
7. | Number Detectives: a+b=16, ab=63 | |
8. | Number Detectives: b-a=8, ab=20 | |
9. | Number Detectives: a+b=30, ab=144 | |
10. | Number Detectives: a+b=19, ab=84 | |
11. | Number Detectives: a+b=20, ab=64 | |
12. | Number Detectives: a+b=13, ab=42 | |
13. | Number Detectives: a+b=30, ab=125 | |
14. | Number Detectives: a+b=12, ab=32 | |
15. | Number Detectives: a+b=27, ab=50 | |
16. | Number Detectives: a+b=17, Highest value of ab? | |
17. | Number Detectives: Prime#a+prime#b = 45 | |
18. | Number Detectives: A number + its square = 30 (2 integers) | |
19. | Number Detectives: a+b=14, ab=45 | |
20. | Number Detectives: a+b=53 ab=150 | |
21. | Number Detectives: a+b=13, ab=40 | |
22. | Number Detectives: a+b=12 ab=36 | |
23. | Number Detectives: a+b=25 HIghest value of product? | |
24. | Number Detectives: a+b=15 Highest value of product? | |
25. | Number Detectives: a+b=13 Highest value of product? | |
26. | Number Detectives: a+b=19 Highest value of product? | |
27. | Number Detectives: Sum of 4 consecutive odd nos = 40 | |
28. | Number Detectives: Sum of 4 consecutive odd nos = 32 | |
29. | Number Detectives: Sum of 4 consecutive even nos = 100 | |
30. | Number Detectives: Sum of 4 consecutive odd nos = 120 | |
31. | Number Detectives: Sum of 4 consecutive even nos = 60 | |
32. | Number Detectives: ab = 150 b-a = 5 | |
33. | Number Detectives: ab= 126 a+b= 25 | |
34. | Number Detectives: LCM of 25 & 30 | |
35. | Number Detectives: Sum of 4 consecutive odd nos = 80 | |
36. | Number Detectives: a+b=17, ab=-60 | |
37. | Number Detectives: a+b=55, ab=484 | |
38. | Number Detectives: a[6] = 729 | |
39. | Negative Thinking 2 + * = -4 | |
40. | Golden Oldies: Age difference | |
41. | Number detectives: Decimal multiplication | |
42. | Number detectives: Decimal multiplication | |
43. | Number detectives: Decimal multiplication | |
44. | Number detectives: Decimal multiplication | |
45. | Number detectives: Decimal multiplication | |
46. | Number detectives sum of 7x11 and 2x15 | |
47. | Number detectives sum of 5x25 and 3x5 | |
48. | Number detectives sum of 4x3 and 3x11 | |
49. | Number detectives sum of 6x8 and 20x10 | |
50. | Number detectives sum of 25x4 and 8x9 | |
51. | Show times: Money multiplication | |
52. | Detective Duck finds the mystery suspect: Understand multiplication terminology | |
53. | Detective Duck finds the mystery suspect: Understand multiplication terminology | |
54. | Detective Duck finds the mystery suspect: Understand multiplication terminology | |
55. | Detective Duck finds the mystery suspect: Understand multiplication terminology | |
56. | Detective Duck finds the mystery suspect: Understand multiplication terminology | |
57. | Shoes shine: Money multipication and subtraction | |
58. | Spectacular spending: Money multiplication | |
59. | Number detectives: (Sq root of 16+ sq rt of 25)/3 | |
60. | Number detectives: Product of 10 and 7 /sq. root of 49 | |
61. | Number detectives: Sum of 2 numbers=13. One number is 9. What is the sq. root of the other number? | |
62. | Cockroach count: Money division | |
63. | Detective Duck finds the mystery suspect: Understand division terminology | |
64. | Fractionally Different: Click all fractions greater than one-half | |
65. | Fractionally Different: Click all fractions less than one-half | |
66. | Compare a fraction: Click the fraction corresponding to 0.50 | |
67. | Compare a fraction: Click the fraction corresponding to 0.25 | |
68. | Figuring the Fences: Investigate relationship between perimeter and area | |
69. | Circular Logic: How many arc-seconds in a circle? | |
70. | Pirate Pete's Problem - Derive and solve a simple linear expression | |
71. | Captain Jones's Challenge - Develop then calculate an algebraic expression | |
72. | Captain Jones's Challenge - Develop then calculate an algebraic expression | |
73. | Captain Jones's Challenge - Develop then calculate an algebraic expression | |
74. | Chewing It Over - number patterns | |
75. | What Eddie Read - number problem | |
76. | Enid the Elephant's Equations - equivalent to 6 + 7 + 9, true/false | |
77. | Enid the Elephant's Equations - equivalent to 4 + 5 + 10, true/false | |
78. | Enid the Elephant's Equations - equivalent to 33/3, true/false | |
79. | A Matter of Height - use procedure to calculate value | |
80. | Here Comes The Bride... - find sum of sequence | |
81. | Joe's Jailhouse Locks - continue pattern | |
82. | Leap Years - select leap years from list | |
83. | Fishy Business 3 - calculate time of concurrent events | |
84. | Wait a Moment 1 - medieval time units, points and moments | |
85. | The Traditions of Time 1 - quadrennium, quinquennium and octennium | |
86. | It's A Dog's Life 4 - sevenths of a year, "dog years" vs "human years" | |
87. | The Bear Facts 3 - quadrennium, years, days | |
88. | Small Change - medieval time units, atoms | |
89. | Baby Boom - 336 days after Jan 1st | |
90. | Go Take A Leap 2 - days in 303 years (no leap years) | |
91. | Go Take A Leap 1 - days in 400 years | |
92. | Every Second Counts 2 -seconds in one and a half years | |
93. | The Way Things Used To Be 1 - Hebrew time units, heleks | |
94. | Wait a Moment 3 - medieval time units, ounces and moments | |
95. | Wait a Moment 2 - medieval time units, ounces and moments | |
96. | Rev It Up - calculate time in hours and minutes from RPM | |
97. | Lunar Ticks 3 - lunar months and years | |
98. | Fishy Business 2 - calculate time of concurrent events | |
99. | Fishy Business 1 - calculate time of concurrent events | |
100. | Lunar Ticks 2 - lunar months and years | |
101. | Every Second Counts 1 - seconds in a leap year | |
102. | The Traditions of Time 3 - quadrennium, quinquennium and octennium | |
103. | The Way Things Used To Be 2 - Hebrew time units, heleks | |
104. | Wait a Moment 5 - medieval time units, ounces and moments | |
105. | Wait a Moment 4 - medieval time units, ounces and moments | |
106. | The Great Paschal Period - solar and lunar cycles | |
107. | Lunar Ticks 5 - lunar months and years | |
108. | The Traditions of Time 2 - quadrennium, quinquennium and octennium | |
109. | In The Blink Of An Eye 2 - metric time; metric hours, beats and blinks | |
110. | In The Blink Of An Eye 1 - metric time; metric hours, beats and blinks | |
111. | Clean Phil Wanted... - calculate number of units given individual and gross masses, g/kg | |
112. | Number Detectives: a+b=133, ab=1000 | |
113. | Sum it up: Katie's cats | |
114. | Sum it up: Car rally | |
115. | Lord Percibald improves: Money calculations | |
116. | Cycling with Chris: Add/subtract in miles | |
117. | Christy's Christmas Cookies: Calculate quantities in ounces and pounds | |
118. | Shop till you drop: Calculate with money | |
119. | Sum it up: Prue's party | |
120. | Bargain Basement: | |
121. | Bargain Basement: | |
122. | Number detectives: Take the sq. root of 1,600 from 10 squared | |
123. | Slam Dunk: Measurement mtuliplication | |
124. | Anyone for a burger?: Money multiplication & addition | |
125. | Anyone for a burger?: Money multiplication & addition | |
126. | Start Your Engines: Multiplication of length | |
127. | The spice of life: Multiplication of weights | |
128. | Kristin at the candy store: Money multiplication and addition | |
129. | Reena at the candy store: Money multiplication and addition | |
130. | Up or Down: Round a division calculation up or down to give a sensible answer | |
131. | Carting dollars: Money multiplication | |
132. | Looks to dye for: Money multiplication | |
133. | Pizza Pays: Money multiplication | |
134. | On the Road Again: Calculate distance from speed | |
135. | Surf's up: Money division | |
136. | Food for thought: Money multiplication and division | |
137. | Water watch: Volume multiplication and subtraction | |
138. | The wait before the game: Money subtraction and division | |
139. | Sum it up: Put the correct number statement on the question board | |
140. | Sum it up: Put the correct number statement on the question board | |
141. | Sum it up: Put the correct number statement on the question board | |
142. | Sum it up: Put the correct number statement on the question board | |
143. | Plant products: Money multiplication and subtraction | |
144. | Shifting groceries: Calculate wages from rates of pay | |
145. | Health times: Multiplication of liquid measurements | |
146. | Bus Times: Multiply distances | |
147. | Up or Down: Round to give a sensible answer to a division problem | |
148. | Stamp stamp stamp: Calculate an average | |
149. | Around the World in 8 days: Calculate price of gas | |
150. | Weighed down: Measure multiplication | |
151. | Dances with dogs: Money division | |
152. | A whizz-bang show: Money multiplication and division | |
153. | Out on a limb: Money multiplication | |
154. | By the skin of those teeth: Calculate distance and speed | |
155. | Sum it up: Ladies' Society For Long Lunches | |
156. | Examining the remains | |
157. | Sum it up: Granny Smith's knitting | |
158. | Sum it up: Max's Xtreme Skateboards | |
159. | Ee-i-ee-i-o!: Calculate total number of animals after 2 seasons | |
160. | Sum it up: Penny and Posie | |
161. | Sum It Up: Put the correct number statement onto the answer board | |
162. | Sum It Up: Put the correct number statement onto the answer board | |
163. | Detective Duck | |
164. | Sum it up: Identify the correct calculation to solve a problem | |
165. | Sum it up: Identify the correct calculation to solve a problem | |
166. | Sum it up: Identify the correct calculation to solve a problem | |
167. | Sum it up: Identify the correct calculation to solve a problem | |
168. | Detective Duck: Write the fraction halfway between two other fractions | |
169. | Sum It Up - Eggs-actly! - number sentence expressing mass | |
170. | Sum It Up - Zoo Time - number sentence expressing cost | |
171. | The Big Men of Math - Solve a problem given the relationship between two unknowns | |
172. | Funky Frank - Travel Graph: How much did the trip cost? | |
173. | Funky Frank - Travel Graph: How long was his car stationary in the morning? | |
174. | Funky Frank - Travel Graph: How far from his home to his destination? | |
175. | Funky Frank - Travel Graph: Total distance traveled? | |
176. | A Fair Cow 2 - calculate profit/loss | |
177. | A Fair Cow 1 - calculate sell price | |
178. | A Breath of Fresh Air - number of 15 minute intervals in one day | |
179. | Contained in the Circus - calculate dimensions of rectangle to give largest area given perimeter | |
180. | Talking Math - time to fill bath, 2 measures of L/min | |
181. | Pumping Math - time to fill fuel tank given rate | |
182. | The Sanders Family Pool! - time taken to fill pool from 10500gal to 12000gal | |
183. | Karl's Cargo Chaos - calculate number of cartons that can be carried based on given masses | |
184. | Karl's Cargo Chaos - calculate number of cartons that can be carried based on given masses | |
185. | The Sanders Family Pool! - time taken to fill pool from 10,500gal to 12,000gal | |
186. | The Long Haul - calculate speed given distance and time | |
187. | The Space Race 1 - calculate speed given distance and time | |
188. | Flower Power - perimeter problem; yards | |
189. | The Need For Speed 1 - average speed mph | |
190. | The Need For Speed 2 - average speed mph | |
191. | In The Frame - perimeter problem | |
192. | The Sanders Family Pool! - time taken to fill 12,000gal pool at 6gal/min | |
193. | Aged to Perfection 4 - year 131,500 hours after 2001 | |
194. | The Need For Speed 3 - calculate distance traveled given time and speed | |
195. | The Disorient Express 1 - calculate distance given speed and time | |
196. | Phil's Chocolate Conundrum - calculate number of units given individual and gross masses, oz and lb | |
197. | Rob's Summerhouse - calculate mass, quantity and cost | |
198. | The Disorient Express 2 - calculate distance given speed and time | |
199. | Conductor Chris and the Broadsands Flyer - calculate speed required to meet shedule | |
200. | Go Take A Leap 3 - days in 97 leap years | |
201. | Lunar Ticks 4 - Callipic cycles, Metatonic cycles and years | |
202. | Lunar Ticks 7 - lunar months, years and octennium | |
203. | Lunar Ticks 8 - Metoni, Callipic and Hipparchic cycles | |
204. | Jessie's Jackpot - mean, calculate value |