
Form and use the progressive (e.g., I was walking; I am walking; I will be walking) verb tenses.

1. Double Time - Write the past tense verb. Decide whether to double the final letter.
2. Double Time - Write the past tense verb. Decide whether to double the final letter.
3. Double Time - Write the past tense verb. Decide whether to double the final letter.
4. Double Time - Write the past tense verb. Decide whether to double the final letter.
5. Short Vowel Rules - Add "ed" to short vowel words (1)
6. Short Vowel Rules - Add "ed" to short vowel words (1)
7. Verbal Agreement - Write the past tense of these verbs: see, fly, say (1)
8. Verbal Agreement - Write the past tense of these verbs: eat, get, make (1)
9. Verbal Agreement - Write the past tense of these verbs: come, dig, drink (1)
10. Verbal Agreement - Write the past tense of these verbs: do, buy, go (1)