
Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one-syllable words.

1. Short Vowel, Long Vowel - Sort the short 'i' and long 'i' words
2. Tucker Time - Spelling words with focus vowel sound (3)
3. Drag words with same focus ending (2)
4. Drag words with same focus ending (3)
5. Identify focus vowel sound (2)
6. Listen and complete word with focus vowel sound (3)
7. Listen and complete word with focus vowel sound (2)
8. Listen and identify word with focus vowel sound (3)
9. Listen and identify word with focus vowel sound (2)
10. Listen and identify word with focus vowel sound (1)
11. Identify focus vowel sound (3)
12. Information Report - Odd One Out
13. When two vowels go walking - Identify words with double vowels (1)
14. When two vowels go walking - Identify words with double vowels (1)
15. Short Vowel, Long Vowel - Sort the short "a" and long "a" words (1)
16. Short Vowel, Long Vowel - Sort the short "o" and long "o" words (1)