
Know relative sizes of measurement units within one system of units including km, m, cm; kg, g; lb, oz.; l, ml; hr, min, sec. Within a single system of measurement, express measurements in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit. Record measurement equivalents in a two- column table. For example, know that 1 ft is 12 times as long as 1 in. Express the length of a 4 ft snake as 48 in. Generate a conversion table for feet and inches listing the number pairs (1, 12), (2, 24), (3, 36), ...

1. Time Trials - conversions between time units; seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months
2. Spot The Cheetah - compare/convert length in cm and m
3. The Ants' Pants 1 - equivalent to 10mm
4. Grandma's Grams and Kilograms - conversions between g and kg, true/false
5. Grandma's Grams and Kilograms - conversions between g and kg, true/false
6. Grandma's Grams and Kilograms - conversions between g and kg, true/false
7. Grandma's Grams and Kilograms - conversions between g and kg, true/false
8. Grandma's Grams and Kilograms - conversions between g and kg, true/false
9. Fencing with Rob: 6yds/72ins
10. Detective Duck: What fraction of 1 yard is 18 inches?
11. Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Turn Around - using ft
12. More or Less... - capacity less than 1pt
13. Will it Fit? - comparing volumes, 1 pint and 1 quart
14. Will it Fit? - comparing volumes, 1 quart and 8 ounces
15. Measuring Up 2 - conversion between in and ft
16. Measuring Up 3 - conversion between in, ft and yd
17. Up A Ladder - equivalent to 1m
18. Round About 2 - rounding to nearest 10cm and m
19. Liquid Learning - same capacity
20. Will it Fit? - comparing volumes, 750mL and 1L
21. Measuring Up 1 - conversion between cm and m
22. Scaling Up 1 - conversion between cm and m
23. A Meter Fly - equivalent to 1m
24. There's a meter in the bucket - equivalent to 1m
25. Round About 1 - rounding to nearest ft
26. Fill It Up - 200mL glasses in 1L
27. Fill It Up - 8oz in 1qrt
28. Liquid Learning - capacity, twice as much
29. Same or Different? - comparing capacity, 1000ml and 1L
30. Same or Different? - comparing capacity, 1L and 3x150mL
31. Load the Cannon! - conversion between g and kg
32. Grandma's Grams and Kilograms - conversions between g and kg, true/false
33. The Purple Meter Eater 1 - equivalent to 1m
34. Liquid Learning - capacity, one-fourth as much
35. Load the Cannon! - conversion between g and kg
36. Load the Cannon! - conversion between g and kg
37. Weigh Ho, Me Hearties! - heaviest object, kg vs g
38. On The Nose - equivalent to 1cm
39. Length Match 1 - equivalent to one-half of a meter
40. On Target 1 - equivalent to one-half of a meter
41. Load the Cannon! - conversion between g and kg
42. Weigh Ho, Me Hearties! - heaviest object, kg vs g
43. Farmer Arnie's Weights - rounding up to whole kg and t
44. Farmer Arnie's Weights - rounding up to whole kg and t
45. Bill's Buckets - match appropriate bucket size to required volume
46. Crazy Conversions - 80mL in L
47. Bill's Buckets - rounding up to nearest liter
48. Length Match 4 - equivalent to one-eighth of a mile
49. Length Match 2 - equivalent to one-fourth of a mile
50. The Great Measurement Round-Up 2 - round cm to nearest m
51. Rule The World 13 - mm to m
52. Rule The World 11 - cm to m
53. Dare Devil Dan - converting g to kg and g
54. More or Less... - capacity more than 1pt
55. Pairing Up - match containers with the same capacity