
Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph; a word's position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.

1. Gleaning The Meaning - Match word/definition
2. Which Word? - Complete sentences with correct words
3. Which Word? - Complete sentences with correct words
4. Which Word? - Complete sentences with correct words
5. Gleaning The Meaning - Match word/definition
6. Proverbial Wisdom
7. Narrative: Amelie in the forest
8. [Magazine] In the interest of (1)
9. Magazine: A
10. Narrative: Amelie in the forest
11. Narrative: Amelie in the forest
12. Narrative: Amelie in the forest
13. Narrative: Amelie in the forest
14. Gleaning The Meaning - Match word/definition (1)
15. Which Word? - Complete sentences with correct words (1)
16. Which Word? - Complete sentences with correct words (1)
17. James Builds His Vocabulary - Match word/definition (2)
18. Gleaning The Meaning - Match word/definition (1)
19. Gleaning The Meaning - Match word/definition (1)
20. James Builds His Vocabulary - Match word/definition (1)