
Add within 100, including adding a two-digit number and a one-digit number, and adding a two-digit number and a multiple of 10, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. Understand that in adding two-digit numbers, one adds tens and tens, ones and ones; and sometimes it is necessary to compose a ten.

1. 2 less, 2 more than 28
2. 2 less, 2 more than 15
3. 2 less, 2 more than 23
4. 2 less, 2 more than 13
5. Which number is 10 more than 2?
6. 20s Zone - 4 more than 22
7. 20s Zone - 4 more than 21
8. 20s Zone - 3 more than 24
9. 20s Zone: 18 + 2 = ?, 18 + 5 = ?
10. True or False?: 10+7=17, 15+2=17, 17=10+7, 17+0=17
11. 30s Zone: 4 more than 28
12. 30s Zone: 7 more than 25
13. 30s Zone: 5 more than 29
14. 30s Zone: 9 more than 29
15. Use the Pattern: 10+2,20+2,30+2
16. 100 Grid: Start at 73. Add 10
17. 100 Grid: Start at 35. Add 10
18. 100 Grid: Start at 15. Add 7
19. 100 Grid: Start at 28. Add 8
20. 100 Grid: Start at 14. What is 11 more?
21. 100 grid: 11 more than 33
22. 100 grid: Find 9 more than 27
23. 100 Grid: Start at 56. Add 10
24. 100 Grid: Start at 83. Add 10
25. 100 Grid: Start at 34. Add 10
26. Balloons: Total of 15 and 6
27. The Chicken Story: seventeen + twelve
28. Red Blocks 4 - 1
29. Red Blocks 1 - 1
30. Red Blocks 2 - 1
31. Red Blocks 3 - 1
32. Red Blocks 5 - 1
33. Red Blocks 6 - 1
34. Red Blocks 7 - 1
35. Red Blocks 8 - 1
36. Red Blocks 9 - 1
37. The 20s zone: 24 - 4 = ?, 24 - 7 = ?
38. 100 grid: 73-7
39. 100 grid: 23-9
40. 100 grid: 48-9
41. 100 grid: 74-7
42. 100 grid: 82-8
43. 100 grid: 54-6
44. 100 grid: 61-5
45. Red Blocks 10 - 3
46. Red Blocks 10 - 5
47. Red Blocks 10 - 6
48. Red Blocks 10 - 7
49. Red Blocks 10 - 8
50. Red Blocks 10 - 9
51. The 20s zone: 28 - 8 = ?, 28 - 9 = ?
52. The 20s zone: 23 - 3 = ?, 23 - 4 = ?
53. The 20s zone: 26 - 6 = ?, 26 - 8 = ?
54. The 20s Zone: Add 6 to 18
55. The 20s Zone: Add 5 to 16
56. The 20s Zone: Add 7 to 15
57. The 20s Zone: Add 7 to 17
58. The 20s Zone: Add 6 to 17
59. The 20s Zone: Add 6 to 15
60. The 20s Zone: Add 6 to 19