Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page.
1. | Sum It Up - Complete letter sums to make words | |
2. | Sum It Up - Complete letter sums to make words | |
3. | Sum It Up - Complete 'letter sums' to make words | |
4. | There's a Bear in There - Write the word shown in the pawprint (1) | |
5. | There's a Bear in There - Write the word shown in the pawprint (1) | |
6. | Sum it up - Write letters and words to complete word sums (1) | |
7. | Sum it up - Write letters and words to complete word sums (1) | |
8. | Sum it up - Write letters and words to complete word sums (1) | |
9. | Sum it up - Write letters and words to complete word sums (1) | |
10. | Sum it up - Write letters and words to complete word sums (1) | |
11. | How Now, Brown Cow? - Write letters and words to complete word sums (1) |