Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
1. | True...or False? - Unusual or archaic punctuation | |
2. | True...or False? - Unusual or archaic punctuation | |
3. | True...or False? - Unusual or archaic punctuation | |
4. | Mistakes Were Made - Count errors in text | |
5. | Mistakes Were Made - Count errors in text | |
6. | Mistakes Were Made - Count errors in text | |
7. | Acronyms - Complete common expressions/acronyms (1) | |
8. | Acronyms - Complete common time expressions/acronyms (1) | |
9. | Acronyms - Complete common expressions/acronyms (1) | |
10. | Acronyms - Complete time phrases/acronyms (1) | |
11. | Acronyms - Complete common expressions/acronyms (1) | |
12. | Acronyms - Complete space expressions/acronyms (1) | |
13. | Mistakes Were Made - Count errors in text (1) | |
14. | Mistakes Were Made - Count errors in text (1) | |
15. | True...or False? - Unusual or archaic punctuation (1) | |
16. | True...or False? - Unusual or archaic punctuation (1) | |
17. | Show and Tell! - Apostrophe of possession (1) | |
18. | Colon-Wise - Correct use of colons and semicolons (1) | |
19. | True...or False? - Unusual or archaic punctuation (1) |